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Sound right. 1.1.1. Слушайте, смотрите, повторяйте за диктором:

1.1.1. Слушайте, смотрите, повторяйте за диктором:

see seed seat feel being beef-tea

fee feed feet field seeing sea-captain

be bead beat meal evening knee-deep

he heed heat reel eager sea-coast

pea peas peace wheel easy beam-ends

knee knees niece zeal teacher sea-breeze

1.1.2. Слушайте, смотрите, повторяйте:

1. Pleased to meet you.

2. Please be seated.

3. A pea for a bean.

4. Extremes meet.

5. Greek meets Greek.

6. Pete eats chiefly meat.

7. Steve is eager to please the teacher.

8. How about meeting my people at three?

9. The teacher has every reason to be displeased.

10. My niece feels seedy.

11. It's extremely sweet of Lea.

12. He speaks Chinese and Japanese with equal ease.

1.1.3. Слушайте, смотрите. Обратите внимание на произношение звука [Ö] как в слове tea.


1. Can you read tealeaves, Peter?

2. I can read yours, Eve.

1. What can you see?

2. I can see the beach and the sea and two people - Eve and Peter.

1. Can't you see three?

2. No, Eve. Just you and me. I can't see aunt Frieda at all.


1. These feet are in a terrible condition. They need treatment.

2. I agree, doctor. My feet do need treatment.

1. The treatment for these feet is to eat lots of green vegetables. But don't eat meat for at least a week.

2. No meat, doctor?

1. I repeat: You must not eat meat for at least a week.

2. But I do eat green vegetables, doctor. And don't eat meat at all.

1. Then you don't seem to need the treatment.

2. But doctor, my feet...

1. Next person, please!

1.1.4. Слушайте, смотрите, повторяйте. Обращайте внимание на интонацию (см. 1.1.3).

1.1.5. Прочитайте диалоги в парах (см. 1.1.3).

1.1.6. Постарайтесь прочитать скороговорку как можно быстрее:

A sailor went to sea.

To see what he could see.

And all he could see,

Was sea, sea, sea.

Дата публикования: 2015-09-17; Прочитано: 438 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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