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The end of the High Street?

In the High Street of a British town, there are shops, banks, cinemas and the post office. There’s usually the baker’s shop, where you can buy bread, the greengrocer’s where you can buy fruit and vegetables and the newsagent’s, where you can buy newspapers and magazines. In many towns there is also a food market once or twice a week.

In a High Street shop you usually tell an assistant what you pay the assistant. In a supermarket you choose what you want, and then take it to the check-out and pay there. There is often a queue of people at the check-out.

There are many kinds of restaurants – you often see Italian, Chinese and Indian restaurants. You don’t often see people eating outside because it’s too cold.

But now there are shopping malls everywhere. They are usually outside the town with all the shops you see the High Street. You drive there, leave your car in the car park and go sopping. Today shopping malls are very popular. Is this the end of the High Street?

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1. There are many small shops.

2. There is a market every day.

3. There are assistants to help you.

4. There are often queues in shops.

5. People often eat outside.

6. Many people go shopping in shopping malls.

Дата публикования: 2015-09-17; Прочитано: 673 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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