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VIII. Расскажите о типичной российской семье, используя информацию из текстов, приведенных выше. Расскажите о своей семье

IX. Послушайте и прочитайте диалог. Заполните недостающую информацию. Выполните задания по диалогу.

Larry and Louise are from the USA. They want to rent the house.

Estate agent Larry Louise Estate agent Larry Estate agent Louise Estate agent Estate agent Louise Estate agent Larry Estate agent Estate agent Louise Estate agent Louise Estate agent   Well, this is the hall. There are six rooms on this floor. There’s a kitchen, a ________, a living room, a ________, a library… Wow! There’s a library, Louise! What’s that room? That’s a _________, madam. How many bathrooms are there? There’s one downstairs and three _______. Are there any _________? No, there aren’t, madam. This is an old house. ……………………………………. This is the living room. Are those paintings original? I think so, madam. Is there a ________? No, there isn’t, sir. But there’s a _______. ……………………………………. And the kitchen. There isn’t a _________. Yes, there is. It’s over there. You call that a fridge! Are there any ______? I need a glass of water. Yes, madam. There are some glasses in that _______. Now, let’s go upstairs.

Являются ли эти утверждения правильными? Исправьте, если необходимо.

1. There are six rooms in the house.

2. There is a library.

3. There are three bathrooms downstairs.

4. There is a television.

5. There is a piano.

6. There is a fridge in the kitchen.

7. There aren’t any glasses.

8. There aren’t any original paintings.

9. There isn’t a study.

10. It isn’t an old house.

Дата публикования: 2015-09-17; Прочитано: 999 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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