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Exercise 2. Now, study-read the following text, paying attention to the meanings of the sentences containing Participle I-forms.

Consult the textbook and other reference materials you have at your disposal, in order to repeat the formation, use and Russian translation of Participle I constructions (as a part of the predicate (an element of the Tense-Aspect form), and in the function of definition in the sentence, etc.).

Grammar Notes: 1) A specific feature of Participle I is the following: it is always employed to denote a certain continuity or an action in process. 2) In a sentence, Participle I can be used as an attribute, an adverbial modifier, a subject or an object, and even as a part of a complex predicate (including the Continuos forms), or in such grammar phenomena as the Complex Object or the Independent Participle Construction.  

Now, study-read the following text, paying attention to the meanings of the sentences containing Participle I-forms.

Text 5

A wide range of tractors and implements in America are available from local farm machinery dealers. Most of the larger machines and equipment sold are manufactured in the USA, while many of the smaller tractors - particularly diesel ones - are imported from abroad, mostly from Western Europe. Garden tractors are designedprimarily for light estate duty and are not intended for continuous heavy services.

It is important to manage machine properly. This includes planning the use of machinery for timely and productive operations, selecting proper types and sizes, replacing worn-out machinery at the right time. Improvements in farm machinery are continually being made to increase their efficiency and to reduce manual labour. These changes are coming so rapidly that innovations may become common practice in a remarkably short time.

Most manipulations involve several different crops with specific tillage, planning, pest control and harvesting requirements. Ideally, each crop should have its own set of specialized implements to produce maximum yields. More equipment in turn means higher overhead costs. Lack of adequate equipment can delay getting crops planted or harvested in time, reducing yields and product quality. Thus, the most crucial progress, now seen on many farms, is in combining various operations and universal plant-species treatments in one machine. For instance, this has been done in the combine for harvesting and threshing wheat and other grains, and in the grain drill that in one trip over the field does the work of preparing the seedbed, planting seed and applying fertilizers and herbicides.

Among the advantages of farm mechanization we might mention first, that the production and income per person engaged in farming have been markedly increased, that farm tasks can be done more rapidly and with better quality when weather and soil conditions are the least favourable, and, then, modern machinery enables crops to be planted, cultivated and harvested in a considerably shorter time than in the past, and the same is largely true in case of livestock production operations.

If we turn to the disadvantages of the replacement of manual labour with machines and automated equipment now, we will surely note the following factors. First of all, farmers must have more capital in disposal to be engaged in farming because of the inevitable need in large investments in farm machines and other equipment. Second, farmers must have a larger and more stable income to have electricity and fuel bills paid. Finally, small farms are destined to disappearing, for larger ones are of apparent advantage today.

Using larger machines reduces labour costs since they complete the job faster. But while larger tractors can cover more acreage than smaller ones, they also have higher overheadcosts. Smaller tractors have less capacity and may causedelay in key field operations, resulting in a lower crop yields. Some of the time lost in doing field work cannot be cut, prevented or eliminated. Other lost time can be substantially reduced by careful planning and good management.

Keeping farm machinery in top mechanical condition is one of the best ways to improve field working efficiency. Machines should be technically maintained properly, i.e. serviced regularly and adjusted correctly. Neglecting this can result in expensive repair procedures or cause complete overhauls.

Дата публикования: 2015-09-17; Прочитано: 286 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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