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Chapter 3 1 страница

1. It took me a long time (забрало у меня много времени) to learn where he came from (откуда он). The little prince, who asked me so many questions (который много спрашивал: досл. спрашивал много вопросов), never seemed to hear (никогда казалось слышал: в отличие о русского, в английском нет двойного возражения, сравни: он никогдане слышал) the ones I asked him (те, которые задавал я: «ones» – означает «questions», оно заменяет их в предложении, дабы не было тавтологии). It was from words dropped by chance that (это было со слов, брошенных случайно: «to drop – dropped» – падать, бросать, капля; «by chance» – «случайно»), little by little (понемножку), everything was revealed to me (всё было обнаружено мне: «reveal – revealed» – «обнаруживать»).
The first time (когда впервые: досл. первое время) he saw my airplane (самолёт), for instance (например) (I shall not draw (не буду рисовать) my airplane; that would be much too complicated for me (это было бы слишком сложно для меня)), he asked me:
"What is that object (объект, штуковина)?"
"That is not an object. It flies (он летает). It is an airplane. It is my airplane."
And I was proud to have him learn that I could fly (и я гордился тем, что могу его научить, что я могу летать: «to be proud» – гордиться, быть гордым). He cried out (выкрикнул, воскликнул), then (тогда):
"What (как)! You dropped down from the sky (ты упал с небес: досл. упал вниз)?"
"Yes," I answered, modestly (ответил скромно: «modest» – скромный).
"Oh! That is funny! (как забавно: досл. это есть забавно)"
And the little prince broke into a lovely peal of laughter (рассмеялся: досл. разбился в чудный (красивый) раскат смеха), which irritated (разозлил: «to irritate – irritated» – злить, раздражать) me very much. I like my misfortunes to be taken seriously (мне нравится, когда к моим несчастьям относятся серьёзно: досл. мои несчастья берутся серьёзно: «misfortune» – отсутствие счастья).
Then he added (добавил: «to add – added» – добавить, дополнить):
"So you, too, come from the sky (так ты тоже пришёл с неба)! Which is your planet? (с какой планеты: досл. которая есть твоя планета)"
At that moment (в тот момент) I caught a gleam of light in the impenetrable mystery of his presence (пролился свет на непостижимую тайну его присутствия: досл. я поймал проблеск света в непроницаемой тайне); and I demanded (потребовал: «to demand – demanded» – требовать), abruptly (резко):
"Do you come from another planet (другой планеты)?"
But he did not reply (но он не ответил). He tossed (наклонил) his head gently (мягко, осторожно), without taking his eyes from my plane (не отрывая глаз от моего самолёта: досл. без «забирания» его глаз):
"It is true (действительно: досл. это есть правда) that on that you can't have come from very far away... (что на этом ты не мог прийти из далека)"
And he sank into a reverie (задумался: досл. погрузился в мечтательность), which lasted a long time (которая продолжалась долгое время). Then, taking my sheep out of his pocket (вытянув моего ягнёнка из его (т. е. своего) кармана), he buried himself in the contemplation of his treasure (он погрузился в созерцание своего сокровища: досл. спрятал, закопал себя в созерцание).
You can imagine (вы можете представить) how my curiosity was aroused (любопытство возросло) by this half-confidence about the "other planets"(этим полупризнанием о «других планетах»). I made a great effort (я попытался: досл. сделал большое усилие), therefore (следовательно), to find out more on this subject (узнать побольше по этому поводу: «to find out» – узнать, выяснить). "My little man, where do you come from (откуда ты: досл. откуда ты пришёл)? What is this 'where I live,' (что это за «где я живу») of which you speak (о котором ты говоришь)? Where do you want to take your sheep (куда ты хочешь забрать своего ягнёнка)?"
After a reflective silence (гулкой тишины: досл. отражающей тишины) he answered:
"The thing that is so good about the box you have given me (что хорошо в коробке, которую ты мне дал: досл. вещь, которая так хороша, о коробке, которую ты дал мне) is that at night he can use it as his house (так это то, что ночью он сможет использовать её как свой дом)."
"That is so (это так). And if you are good (если ты добрый) I will give you a string (я дам тебе тесьму (верёвку)), too, so that you can tie him during the day (сможешь привязывать его на протяжение дня: «to tie – tied» – связывать), and a post (здесь: колышек, но имеет также значения «сообщение», «посылать») to tie him to (к которому его привязать)."
But the little prince seemed shocked by this offer (казалось был шокирован этим предложением):
"Tie him (привязывать его)! What a queer idea (что за странная идея)!"
"But if you don't tie him (если ты его не привяжешь)," I said, "he will wander off somewhere (зайдёт куда-то: «to wander – wandered» – бродить), and get lost (потеряется: досл. получит потерю)."

My friend broke into another peal of laughter (ещё раз рассмеялся):
"But where do you think he would go? (но куда, по твоему мнению, он мог бы пойти)"
"Anywhere (куда угодно: «anywhere»= «any+where» = «любой»+ «где»). Straight ahead of him (прямо перед собой)."
Then the little prince said, earnestly (серьёзно):
"That doesn't matter (это неважно). Where I live, everything is so small (где я живу, всё очень маленькое)!
And, with perhaps a hint of sadness (немножко печально: досл. с возможно намёком на печаль), he added:
"Straight ahead of him, nobody can go very far... (идя прямо, никто не зайдёт далеко)"

1. It took me a long time to learn where he came from. The little prince, who asked me so many questions, never seemed to hear the ones I asked him. It was from words dropped by chance that, little by little, everything was revealed to me.
The first time he saw my airplane, for instance (I shall not draw my airplane; that would be much too complicated for me), he asked me:
"What is that object?"
"That is not an object. It flies. It is an airplane. It is my airplane."
And I was proud to have him learn that I could fly. He cried out, then:
"What! You dropped down from the sky?"
"Yes," I answered, modestly.
"Oh! That is funny!"
And the little prince broke into a lovely peal of laughter, which irritated me very much. I like my misfortunes to be taken seriously.
Then he added:
"So you, too, come from the sky! Which is your planet?"
At that moment I caught a gleam of light in the impenetrable mystery of his presence; and I demanded, abruptly:
"Do you come from another planet?"
But he did not reply. He tossed his head gently, without taking his eyes from my plane:
"It is true that on that you can't have come from very far away..."
And he sank into a reverie, which lasted a long time. Then, taking my sheep out of his pocket, he buried himself in the contemplation of his treasure.
You can imagine how my curiosity was aroused by this half-confidence about the "other planets." I made a great effort, therefore, to find out more on this subject. "My little man, where do you come from? What is this 'where I live,' of which you speak? Where do you want to take your sheep?"
After a reflective silence he answered:
"The thing that is so good about the box you have given me is that at night he can use it as his house."
"That is so. And if you are good I will give you a string, too, so that you can tie him during the day, and a post to tie him to."
But the little prince seemed shocked by this offer:
"Tie him! What a queer idea!"
"But if you don't tie him," I said, "he will wander off somewhere, and get lost."

My friend broke into another peal of laughter:
"But where do you think he would go?"
"Anywhere. Straight ahead of him."
Then the little prince said, earnestly:
"That doesn't matter. Where I live, everything is so small!
And, with perhaps a hint of sadness, he added:
"Straight ahead of him, nobody can go very far..."

Chapter 4

1. I had thus (таким образом) learned a second (второй) fact of great importance (факт большой важности): this was that (это было то) the planet the little prince came from was scarcely any larger than a house (едва ли больше за дом)!
But that did not really (вправду) surprise (удивило) me much. I knew very well (знал очень хорошо: «to know – knew» – знать) that in addition (в дополнение) to the great (больших) planets – such as (таких как) the Earth (Земля), Jupiter, Mars, Venus (Венера) – to which we have given names (которым были даны имена), there are (есть: досл. там есть) also hundreds of others (также сотни других), some of which (некоторые из которых) are so small that one has a hard time seeing them (что их тяжело увидеть: досл. один имеет тяжёлое время видя их) through (сквозь, через) the telescope. When an astronomer discovers (когда астрономы открывают: «to discover» – открывать в значении «делать открытие») one of these (одну из них) he does not give it a name, but only a number (но только номер). He might call it (он может назвать её), for example (для примера), "Asteroid 325."
I have serious reason (у меня были серьёзные основания) to believe (верить) that the planet from which the little prince came (из которой пришёл маленький принц) is the asteroid known as (известный как) B-61.
This asteroid has only once been seen (только раз был увиден) through the telescope. That was by a Turkish astronomer (это был турецкий астроном), in 1909.

1. I had thus learned a second fact of great importance: this was that the planet the little prince came from was scarcely any larger than a house!
But that did not really surprise me much. I knew very well that in addition to the great planets –such as the Earth, Jupiter, Mars, Venus – to which we have given names, there are also hundreds of others, some of which are so small that one has a hard time seeing them through the telescope. When an astronomer discovers one of these he does not give it a name, but only a number. He might call it, for example, "Asteroid 325."
I have serious reason to believe that the planet from which the little prince came is the asteroid known as B-61.
This asteroid has only once been seen through the telescope. That was by a Turkish astronomer, in 1909.

2. On making his discovery (сделав открытие), the astronomer had presented it (представил его) to the International Astronomical Congress (Международному Астрономическому Конгрессу), in a great demonstration (с особой пышностью: досл. в большой демонстрации). But he was in Turkish costume (в турецком костюме), and so nobody would believe (никто не поверил) what he said (что он говорил).

2. On making his discovery, the astronomer had presented it to the International Astronomical Congress, in a great demonstration. But he was in Turkish costume, and so nobody would believe what he said.

3. Grown-ups are like that (взрослые – они такие: досл. взрослые похожи на то)...
Fortunately (к счастью), however (тем не менее), for the reputation (для репутации) of Asteroid B-612, a Turkish dictator made a law (сделал закон) that his subjects (подданные), under pain of death (под страхом смертной казни: досл. под болью смерти), should change to European costume (должны сменить одежду на европейский костюм).

3. Grown-ups are like that...
Fortunately, however, for the reputation of Asteroid B-612, a Turkish dictator made a law that his subjects, under pain of death, should change to European costume.

4. So in 1920 the astronomer gave (дал: досл. «to give – gave – given» – давать) his demonstration all over again (опять), dressed with impressive style and elegance (одет впечатляюще стильно и элегантно: досл. одет с впечатляющим стилем и элегантностью). And this time everybody accepted his report (приняли его доклад: «to accept – accepted» – принимать).
If I have told you these details (если я рассказал вам эти детали) about the asteroid, and made a note of its number for you (и указал номер: досл. сделал замечание его номера для вас), it is on account (на счёт) of the grown-ups and their ways (взглядов: досл. дорог, путей). When you tell them (когда ты говоришь им) that you have made a new friend (что у тебя новый друг: досл. ты сделал нового друга), they never ask you (никогда не спросят) any questions about essential matters (по сути: досл. о существенных делах). They never say (никогда не скажут) to you, "What does his voice sound like (какой у него голос: досл. на что похоже звучит)? What games does he love best (какие игры он любит большего всего: «the best» – наилучший)? Does he collect butterflies (коллекционирует бабочек)?" Instead (взамен), they demand (требуют): "How old is he (сколько лет ему)? How many brothers has he (сколько братьев он имеет)? How much does he weigh (весит)? How much money does his father make (сколько денег зарабатывает его отец: досл. как много денег делает)?" Only from these figures (только по этим чертам, цифрам) do they think they have learned anything (что-либо) about him.
If you were to say to the grown-ups (если бы вы сказали взрослым): "I saw a beautiful house made of rosy brick (из розового кирпича), with geraniums in the windows (геранью на окне) and doves on the roof (голубами на крыше)," they would not be able to get any idea of that house at all (они не в состоянии будут представить его вообще: досл. они не будут способны поймать идею этого дома в целом). You would have to say to them (вам нужно сказать им): "I saw a house that cost (стоит) $ 20,000." Then they would exclaim (они воскликнули бы):
"Oh, what a pretty (милый) house that is!"
Just so (точно так же), you might (могли) say to them:
"The proof (доказательство) that the little prince existed (существует: «to exist – existed» – существовать) is that he was charming (очарователен), that he laughed (смеялся), and that he was looking for a sheep (разыскивал ягнёнка: вообще-то «ягнёнок» – «lamb», а «sheep» – овца). If anybody wants a sheep (если кто-то хочет ягнёнка), that is a proof that he exists (это доказательство того, что он существует)."
And what good would it do to tell them that (и что толку было бы им это говорить: досл. что хорошего это сделало бы сказать им это)? They would shrug their shoulders (пожали бы плечами), and treat you like a child (воспримут тебя как ребёнка). But if you said to them:
"The planet he came from (пришёл с) is Asteroid B-612," then they would be convinced (были бы убеждены), and leave you in peace from their questions (и перестали бы задавать вопросы: досл. оставили бы вас в спокойствии от их вопросов).
They are like that (они такие). One must not hold it against them (не надо против них выступать: досл. один не должен держать это против них). Children should always show great forbearance toward (детям должно всегда проявлять огромную терпимость к) grown-up people (взрослые люди).
But certainly (но конечно же), for us who understand life (для нас, понимающих жизнь: досл. для нас, кто понимает жизнь), figures are a matter of indifference (цифры не имеют значения: досл. цифры есть дело безразличия). I should have liked to begin (я хотел бы начать) this story (историю) in the fashion of the fairy-tales (в стиле сказки). I should have like to say (хотел бы сказать): "Once upon a time (как-то давным-давно) there was a little prince who lived on a planet that was scarcely any bigger than himself (едва ли больше него самого), and who had need of a sheep... (которому нужен был ягнёнок)"
To those (для тех) who understand life, that would have given a much greater air of truth (звучало бы правдоподобнее: досл. это дало бы больше воздуха правды) to my story.
For I do not want any one (кто-то, любой) to read my book carelessly (беззаботно). I have suffered too much grief (мне было тяжело: досл. я страдал слишком много скорби) in setting down these memories (упорядочить воспоминания). Six years have already passed (6 лет уже прошло) since my friend went away from me (с тех пор, как мой друг покинул меня: досл. ушёл о меня), with his sheep. If I try to describe him here (если я пытаюсь его описать здесь), it is to make sure that I shall not forget him (чтобы быть уверенным, что я его не забуду). To forget a friend is sad (забывать друга – печально: «to forget – forgot» – забывать). Not every one has had a friend (не у каждого был друг). And if I forget him, I may become (могу стать) like the grown-ups who are no longer interested in anything (которые больше не заинтересованы ничем: «to be interested in anything» – быть заинтересованным в чём-либо) but figures...
It is for that purpose (для этой цели), again (опять же), that I have bought (купил: «to buy – bought» – купить) a box of paints (коробку красок) and some pencils (карандаши). It is hard (тяжело) to take up (приниматься) drawing again at my age (в моём возрасте), when I have never made (никогда не делал) any pictures except those of the boa constrictor from the outside and the boa constrictor from the inside, since I was six. I shall certainly try (я конечно попытаюсь) to make my portraits as true to life as possible (по возможности нарисовать похожие портреты: досл. сделать портреты такими правдивыми к жизни как возможно). But I am not at all sure of success (но я в общем не уверен в успехе). One drawing goes along all right (получается совсем правильным), and another has no resemblance to its subject (другой не имеет схожести к его предмету). I make some errors (делаю некоторые ошибки), too, in the little prince's height (рост маленького принца): in one place (в одном месте) he is too tall (слишком высок) and in another too short (короток). And I feel some doubts (чувствую некоторые сомнения) about the color of his costume. So I fumble (нащупывать) along as best I can (хорошо, как только мог), now (сейчас) good, now bad, and I hope (надеюсь) generally fair-to-middling (в общем так себе).
In certain more important details (в некоторых более важных деталях) I shall make mistakes, also. But that is something that will not be my fault (вина). My friend never explained anything to me (никогда ничего не объяснял). He thought (думал), perhaps (возможно), that I was like himself (что я такой, как он). But I, alas (увы), do not know how to see sheep through t he walls of boxes (не знаю, как увидеть ягнёнка сквозь стены коробки). Perhaps I am a little like (немного похож) the grown-ups. I have had to grow old (я повзрослел).

4. So in 1920 the astronomer gave his demonstration all over again, dressed with impressive style and elegance. And this time everybody accepted his report.
If I have told you these details about the asteroid, and made a note of its number for you, it is on account of the grown-ups and their ways. When you tell them that you have made a new friend, they never ask you any questions about essential matters. They never say to you, "What does his voice sound like? What games does he love best? Does he collect butterflies?" Instead, they demand: "How old is he? How many brothers has he? How much does he weigh? How much money does his father make?" Only from these figures do they think they have learned anything about him.
If you were to say to the grown-ups: "I saw a beautiful house made of rosy brick, with geraniums in the windows and doves on the roof," they would not be able to get any idea of that house at all. You would have to say to them: "I saw a house that cost $ 20,000." Then they would exclaim:
"Oh, what a pretty house that is!"
Just so, you might say to them:
"The proof that the little prince existed is that he was charming, that he laughed, and that he was looking for a sheep. If anybody wants a sheep, that is a proof that he exists."
And what good would it do to tell them that? They would shrug their shoulders, and treat you like a child. But if you said to them:
"The planet he came from is Asteroid B-612," then they would be convinced, and leave you in peace from their questions.
They are like that. One must not hold it against them. Children should always show great forbearance toward grown-up people.
But certainly, for us who understand life, figures are a matter of indifference. I should have liked to begin this story in the fashion of the fairy-tales. I should have like to say: "Once upon a time there was a little prince who lived on a planet that was scarcely any bigger than himself, and who had need of a sheep..."
To those who understand life, that would have given a much greater air of truth to my story.
For I do not want any one to read my book carelessly. I have suffered too much grief in setting down these memories. Six years have already passed since my friend went away from me, with his sheep. If I try to describe him here, it is to make sure that I shall not forget him. To forget a friend is sad. Not every one has had a friend. And if I forget him, I may become like the grown-ups who are no longer interested in anything but figures...
It is for that purpose, again, that I have bought a box of paints and some pencils. It is hard to take up drawing again at my age, when I have never made any pictures except those of the boa constrictor from the outside and the boa constrictor from the inside, since I was six. I shall certainly try to make my portraits as true to life as possible. But I am not at all sure of success. One drawing goes along all right, and another has no resemblance to its subject. I make some errors, too, in the little prince's height: in one place he is too tall and in another too short. And I feel some doubts about the color of his costume. So I fumble along as best I can, now good, now bad, and I hope generally fair-to-middling.
In certain more important details I shall make mistakes, also. But that is something that will not be my fault. My friend never explained anything to me. He thought, perhaps, that I was like himself. But I, alas, do not know how to see sheep through t he walls of boxes. Perhaps I am a little like the grown-ups. I have had to grow old.

Chapter 5

1. As each day passed (как проходил каждый день) I would learn (изучал), in our talk (как я говорил: досл. в нашем разговоре), something (что-то) about the little prince's planet, his departure (отъезд) from it, his journey (путешествие). The information would come very slowly (поступала очень медленно), as it might chance (могло случиться) to fall from his thoughts (выпасть из его мыслей). It was in this way (это было в этом пути) that I heard (услышал: «to hear – heard» – слышать), on the third (третий) day, about the catastrophe of the baobabs (катастрофа с баобабом).
This time, once more (ещё раз: досл. раз больше), I had the sheep to thank for it (я должен благодарить ягнёнка за это: досл. я имел ягнёнка поблагодарить за это). For the little prince asked (спросил) me abruptly (резко) - as if seized by a grave doubt (так будто выхвачено серьёзными сомнениями) – "It is true, isn't it (не правда ли: досл. не есть это), that sheep eat little bushes (ягнёнок ест маленькие кустарников)?"
"Yes, that is true."
"Ah! I am glad (я доволен)!"
I did not understand (я не понимал) why it was so important (почему это так важно) that sheep should eat little bushes. But the little prince added (добавил):
"Then it follows (это следует) that they also eat baobabs?"
I pointed out (отметил) to the little prince that baobabs were not (не есть) little bushes, but, on the contrary (напротив), trees as big as castles (деревья такие же большие, как замок); and that even if (даже если) he took a whole herd (стадо) of elephants away with him (туда с собой), the herd would not eat up one single baobab (ни одного баобаба: досл. один единственный баобаб).
The idea of the herd of elephants (идея о стаде слонов) made the little prince laugh (заставила принца смеяться: досл. сделала маленького принца смеющимся).
"We would have to put them one on top of the other (нам придётся поставить из друг на друга: досл. одного на верхушку другого)," he said.

1. As each day passed I would learn, in our talk, something about the little prince's planet, his departure from it, his journey. The information would come very slowly, as it might chance to fall from his thoughts. It was in this way that I heard, on the third day, about the catastrophe of the baobabs.
This time, once more, I had the sheep to thank for it. For the little prince asked me abruptly - as if seized by a grave doubt-- "It is true, isn't it, that sheep eat little bushes?"
"Yes, that is true."
"Ah! I am glad!"
I did not understand why it was so important that sheep should eat little bushes. But the little prince added:
"Then it follows that they also eat baobabs?"
I pointed out to the little prince that baobabs were not little bushes, but, on the contrary, trees as big as castles; and that even if he took a whole herd of elephants away with him, the herd would not eat up one single baobab.
The idea of the herd of elephants made the little prince laugh.
"We would have to put them one on top of the other," he said.

2. But he made a wise comment (мудрое пояснение):
"Before they grow so big (перед тем, как они выросли такими большими), the baobabs start out by being little (они были маленькими: досл. баобабы начали с быть маленькими)."
"That is strictly correct (очень правильно: досл. строго правильно)," I said. "But why do you want the sheep to eat the little baobabs (почему ты хочешь, чтобы ягнёнок ел маленькие баобабы)?"
He answered me at once (сразу же), "Oh, come, come! (ладно, ладно)", as if he were speaking of something that was self-evident (так как если бы он говорил о чём-то, что было очевидно). And I was obliged (был обязан) to make a great mental effort (сделать огромное умственное усилие) to solve (развязать) this problem, without any assistance (без какого-либо участия).
Indeed (на самом деле), as I learned (как я узнал), there were on the planet (было на планете) where the little prince lived – as on all (как и на всех) planets – good plants (растения) and bad plants. In consequence (в следствие), there were good seeds (семена) from good plants, and bad seeds from bad plants. But seeds are invisible (невидимые). They sleep deep (спят глубоко) in the heart of the earth's darkness (в сердце земной темноты), until some one among them (кто-то среди них) is seized with the desire to awaken (поднимается с желанием проснуться). Then this little seed will stretch itself (делают усилия) and begin (начинают) – timidly at first (робко с начала) – to push a charming little sprig (давать очаровательный маленький росток: досл. толкать росток) inoffensively upward toward the sun (безобидно вверх к солнцу). If it is only a sprout of radish (росток редиса) or the sprig of a rose-bush (побег куста роз), one would let it grow wherever it might wish (можно позволить им расти где угодно). But when it is a bad plant, one must destroy it as soon as possible (нужно уничтожить его настолько быстро, насколько возможно), the very first instant that one recognizes it (в первое мгновение, как узнали его).
Now there were some terrible seeds on the planet (сейчас были на планете ужасные семена на планете) that was the home (была домом) of the little prince; and these were the seeds of the baobab. The soil (почва) of that planet was infested (наводнены) with them. A baobab is something you will never (баобаб – это такое, от чего вы никогда), never be able to get rid of if you attend to it too late (никогда не сможете отделаться, если заметите слишком поздно: «to get rid of» – отделаться от кого-то или чего-то). It spreads (распространяется) over the entire (всей) planet. It bores clear through it with its roots (он пронизывает её всю своими корнями). And if the planet is too small (слишком мала), and the baobabs are too many (слишком много), they split it in pieces (разделят её на части)...

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