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Exercise №5

For – 1) в качестве союза переводится на русский язык: так как, потому что, ибо; 2) в качестве предлога – а) за, ради; б) для; в) в течение, на какой-либо срок; г) из-за, по причине, вследствие; д) за, вместо; и др.; for all – несмотря на, вопреки, при (всем)…, чтобы… не…; for one – со своей стороны; for one thing – во-первых, прежде всего; but for – если бы не.

1. Collectively, emerging economies have run a current-account surplus for six consecutive years, having been in deficit for most of the previous 20.

2. All this is bad news for auto makers who were counting on emerging markets like Brazil to re up profits in the coming decades.

3. For one thing, the euro area’s exports to America amount to only 2.5% of its GDP, so even a sharp fall in American imports would have a limited impact on Europe’s overall output.

4. For all the breathless headlines, Europe’s leaders are a long way from a deal on how to save the euro.

5. This matters for Russia and also for the world. For not only is Russia one of the two largest oil producers in the world, it is also one of the largest exporters, at nearly five million barrels a day.

6. But for the immediate future workers in the rich world still seem to have the best prospects.

7. For all its shortcomings, the euro still accounts for a quarter of the world’s reserves.

8. And that is one reason to be more optimistic about the outcome. For private firms possess one trait identified as an ingredient of success: technique.

Дата публикования: 2015-04-10; Прочитано: 194 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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