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Match the terms with their definitions

1. In this type of engine energy is derived a. jet engine

from a chemical reaction which takes

place inside the engine.

2. This is the combination of a turbine b. piston engine

and a propeller.

3. This type of engine contains propellant c. turboprop engine

components within the vehicle itself.

4. In this type of engine a piston and d. turbofan engine

connecting rods drive a rotating


5. In this type of engine heated air is e. internal combustion

ejected with a high velocity producing engine


6. This type of engine combines the f. rocket engine

turbine and the fan.

Explain the terms in your own words.

Supersonic speed, excessive heat, heat exchanger, vacuum, cooling system.

Answer the following questions.

1. What is the most essential part of any airplane?

2. Why were the piston engines almost exclusively used for the first forty years of powered flight?

3. What engines does the term “internal combustion engine” refer to?

4. What is the jet propulsion device?

5. What device can provide interplanetary travel?

6. What is the main limitation for interplanetary travel?

7. What are the main problems connected with using of atomic energy as a source of power?

Vocabulary Focus

Match words in A with words B to form the word combinations.


maintain speed

jet engine

exhaust vehicle

interplanetary rod

shielding reaction

operating flight

sonic principle

connecting mass

chemical material

reliable propulsion

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