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General notion of psychology as a science

Psychology is assigned to a special part in the system of sciences.

First, it is assumed that the psychology studies the most complicated field of science known to the mankind, since psychics is the virtues of a highly integral matter. Aristotelian also considered that the priority should be given to the study of the human soul among researches "in the other fields of knowledge". Since it is the knowledge about the high elevation and amazement of the human souls. "About the soul" is the name of his treatise.

Second, the science of Psychology occupies a special place since it merges the subject and the object. Before the human reflection was preoccupied with the cognition of the universe but now it is reversed to the inner world of the human being. The human being with the help of the cognition begins to study the reflections of souls.

Third, besides, there is a special feature in the psychology which presents unique practical means of application. To learn how to control your own psycho effects, functions, abilities is the task which is more grandiosity than the navigations in the space. It is noted that while the human being is studying his soul, the human being will be transforming his own being.

The science of psychology is not only the science which studies the human being, but it also participates in construction and creation of the mentality of human beings.

Psychology is rather young science. Psychology as science became established more than 100 years ego.

In 1879 Mr.Wundt, German psychologist, opened the center laboratory which was the first scientific establishment in the field of experimental psychology.

Дата публикования: 2015-04-09; Прочитано: 1519 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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