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См. также: en:List of film festivals in Oceania

Название Основан Город Страна Тип Примечание
Sydney Underground Film Festival   Сидней Австралия Международный An annual film festival held in Sydney (and soon to start touring nationally) that celebrates quality, independent, arthouse, experimental, provocative and daring films from around the world. www.suff.com.au
A Night of Horror International Film Festival   Сидней Австралия Международный An annual genre specific film festival held in Sydney over ten days in March/April, followed by national and international tour.
Adelaide Film Festival   Аделаида Австралия Международный A biennial, non-competitive film festival held on alternating years to the Adelaide Festival of Arts over two weeks in late February.
Australian International Film Festival   Мельбурн Австралия Международный Held in October 2006. An unrelated festival with the same name was renamed the Canberra International Film Festival.
Brisbane International Film Festival   Брисбен Австралия Международный Focuses on films from the Pacific Rim.
Byron Bay Film Festival   Байрон-Бей Австралия Международный An annual 9 day festival held in March with a focus on human interest, surf, environmental, animation, experimental and short films.
Canberra International Film Festival   Канберра Австралия Международный First known as the Australian International Film Festival, it is held annually in October. www.silversunpictures.com.au/csff
Clare Valley Film Festival   Клэр-Вэлли Австралия Международный A biennial, showcasing works by Australian and international independent filmmakers with the focus of inspiring and educating young people from South Australia’s regional areas in the art of filmmaking.
Dungog Film Festival   Дангог Австралия Australian Dungog Film Festival, world’s biggest celebration of Australian film, is a 4 day event set in a picturesque country town that showcases the best of new and classic Australian cinema. DFF has become a key national event and the ultimate mini-break with a culture hit.
Human Rights Arts and Film Festival   Мельбурн, Сидней, и Перт Австралия Special interest Features films that focus on various human rights issues.
Melbourne International Film Festival   National Австралия Международный Held annually in July or August.
New Zealand International Film Festivals   Крупные города по всей стране Новая Зеландия Международный Held in Auckland, Wellington, Dunedin, and Christchurch, the traveling festival offers a smaller program in 10 other cities.
Sydney Film Festival   Сидней Австралия Международный Held annually for two weeks in June.
Tropfest   Сидней Австралия Международный Annual short film festival.

Дата публикования: 2015-04-08; Прочитано: 298 | Нарушение авторского права страницы

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