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VI. Speaking practice

You are a correspondent for the New York Times in the 1950s. In December 1950, you interviewed Mr. Brown, a member of the Senate Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce, on highway transportation conditions in the USA. Rewrite Mr. Brown’s answers as in the examples and tell the class what Mr. Brown said.


A. Mr. Brown says: ‘In 1950, highway freight transportation rose. ►Mr. Brown said that in 1950 highway freight transportation had risen. ”

B. The Senator tells me: “The progress in highway construction was threatened by high costs.” ► The senator told me that the progress in highway construction had been threatened by high costs.

1. Mr. Brown says: “During 1950, the aggregate volume of freight traffic by all types of carriers increased substantially.”

2. He tells me: “In 1950, all freight agencies carried more freight and passengers than in 1939.”

3. He is proud to say: “Total passenger-miles of intercity travel by carriers has increased by 24.2 per cent.”

4. The senator adds: “New records in motor vehicle ownership and use were established. ”

5. However he notes: “Many bus lines have became less profitable than during 1949.”

6. He is also surprised to find out: “Registration has totaled 39,710,000 automobiles.”

7. The Senator informs me: “In 1950, $4 billion was expended on highways, roads, and streets.

8. Mr. Brown says in conclusion: “The assistance to the Federal-aid highway was raised to $500 million annually.”

Дата публикования: 2015-04-07; Прочитано: 259 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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