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C) In her employment, Mary showed a thoroughly satisfactory degree of energy and efficiency

d) The main problem with which I am faced is to decide whether it is preferable to continue in existence, or whether it would, on balance, be a more advisable policy to give up the struggle. (Shakespeare)

e) It is undeniable that the large majority of non-native learners of English experience a number of problems in attempting to master the phonetic patterns of the language.

f) It is not uncommon to encounter sentences which, though they contain a great number of words and are constructed in a highly complex way, none the less turn out to contain very little meaning of any kind.

A) These are some common expressions used when talking about short stories. Match them with the definitions below.

Suspense surprise plot character(s)

Setting climax theme style

A) the manner of writing used in the story —

B) the feeling in the reader caused by something unexpected happening —

C) the place and time at which the events of a story take place —

D) the set of connected events on which the story is based —

e) what the story is about, rather than what happens in the story —

F) a tense feeling in the reader, caused by wondering what may happen further in the story —

G) the most intense part of a story, generally towards the end —

H) a person (or people) in a story —

Дата публикования: 2015-06-12; Прочитано: 486 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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