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Unit 2

Text Study: The Structure of CPU.

Additional Text: High Speed Register Storage.

Grammar: The Passive Voice.

Text Study

I. Pre-reading Exercises

1. Repeat the words in chorus:

Implement, to engrave, interconnecting, wiring, supply, circuit, require, the arithmetic logic unit (ALU), addition, multiplication, comparison, current, values.

2. While reading the text you will come across a number of international words. Try to guess what Ukrainian words they remind of you:

Address, register, operation, silicon "chip", decode, logically, transistor, component, bit, result.

3. Pay attention to some grammatical points:

1) The CPU of a modern small computer is physically implemented as single silicon "chip". 2)The CPU is logically made up from a number of subparts. 3) Other circuits will implement comparison operations that permit a program check whether one data value is greater than or less than some other value. 4) While most data are kept in memory, CPUs are designed to hold a small amount of data in "registers" (data stores) in the CPU itself. 5) A CPU register will hold as many bits as a "word" in the computer's memory. 6) Data values have to be fetched from memory and stored temporarily in CPU registers.

II. Reading

Read the text and be ready to find in the text the answers to the following questions:

· What circuits are the hearts of a computer?

· What is the function of the arithmetic logic unit?

Дата публикования: 2015-06-12; Прочитано: 210 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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