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Risk can be involved in any human activity which is connected with great number of factors that determinate positive or negative outcome.

1. Risk is presented in the form of possible failure, risk, financial and other losses that may occur as a result of implementing the chosen solution.

2. Risk is understood as a "way of action is unclear uncertain environment" or as "situational characteristics of its outcomes and possible adverse effects in case of failure." Thus, when risk is understood or losses, or "force for good luck."

3. Risk is defined as a positive opportunity (chance) and negative (loss, damage) in the process of rejection of the expected values

Risk performs many important functions, including innovation, regulatory (administrative), analytical and other which are presented on the image

An innovative feature is implemented in finding innovative solutions to problems facing the entrepreneur. Regulatory function is manifested in the fact that the actions of the entrepreneur in terms of risk presented in a constructive-destructive manner. Structural element is successful entrepreneur that risk, destructive - in a destabilization of its activity is due to lack of information. Security function is in a quiet attitude entrepreneur to risk, since the latter - an integral part of its activities. Analytical function reflects the ability of entrepreneurs to evaluate all possible alternatives and choose the one best

Дата публикования: 2015-06-12; Прочитано: 316 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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