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Taxes are fixed legislature required payments that are paid by individuals and legal entities in the state budget. Through taxes generated financial resources of the state, which accumulate in the budget system of the country.

Tax payers are:

Taxes can be direct (added to the cost on the stage of production) and indirect (added to the cost on the stage of selling). Direct taxes are divided into personal (income tax) and real (tax on land, property, rent tax)

Income tax – a tax, levied on the sum of the gross income of citizens in terms of money over the past year. Part of the income tax is levied on current income and monthly in the form of lump-sum payments.

A person is a tax resident in Ukraine if he has a place of residence in Ukraine. If the person has a permanent place of residence in Ukraine and another country, the person is deemed to be resident of Ukraine if his centre of vital interests is in Ukraine, or if he stays in Ukraine at least 183 days during the tax year(calendar year). This is the general rule which is subject to any features provided by the Agreement of avoidance of double taxation.

Ukraine Personal income tax rates for 2011 are 0%, 1%, 5%, 15%,17%,30%.

Income Tax rate
It is the standard tax rate. This rate usually applies to employment income of up to 10 times the minimum monthly salary, rental income, investment income, in the event of inheritance by any heir from a non-resident testator, income from the sale of an object of movable property. 15%
Employment income exceeding 10 times the minimum monthly income. Sale of immovable assets by a non-residence. Inheritance tax when the recipient is non-resident. 17%
This rate applies to income from prizes and winnings of residents; to income from prizes and winnings of non-residents originating from Ukraine 30%
This rate applies to income from the sale of more than one object of real estate property during a calendar year; In the event of inheritance by the heirs other than the testator's family members of the first degree of kindred. 5%
This rate applies to income received by a taxpayer from the first sale of a house, apartment or room not more than once, during a reporting year if the total area of the object exceeds 100 square meters. The subject to taxation is the part of income proportional to the amount of exceeds 1%
This rate applies to inheritance from the heirs who are the family members of the first degree of kindred; To income received by a taxpayer from the sale of a house, apartment or room not more than once during a reporting year, if the total surface area of the house, apartment or room does not exceed 100 square meters 0%

Дата публикования: 2015-06-12; Прочитано: 285 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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