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What is the role of cinema in life?

The movies are truly an art of our time. It is the greatest aesthetic and educational force in the world today. The invention of the photography in 1828 played a very important role in the development of the cinema. 1895 became the year when the cinema was born. After the brothers Lumier had invented the cinematography, the cinema widely spread all over the world. The first movie theatres appeared in 1904. And in 1907 the literature works started to be widely used for the movie scripts. Now different movie versions of novels and stories of famous writers are still very popular. The movies are a powerful force in contemporary life. Cinema is also used for educational purposes. Video classes are useful when studying geography, foreign languages and many other subjects. They are also the means of getting acquainted with the world. With the help of documentary and science films one can get much information about the world around. The news on TV helps to know what happens in the world each day. It also helps to attract the attention of people to different important problems, such as hunger, earthquakes, water pollution and so on. The cinema is also the means of entertainment. After a working day one can relax watching some good movie. Nowadays people can’t just imagine their life without the art of cinema.

What types of films do you know?

The main types are action, comedy, drama, romantic comedy, horror, science fiction, suspense (thriller), western, documentary (non-fiction). All these types can cross and create a movie that is more than one genre. For example, a movie could be a romance and a horror movie at the same time. The type assigned to a movie is based on the content within the film. For example, Titanic is an epic romantic disaster film, whilst Pacific Rim is an action, adventure and Sci-Fi film.

What films appeal to you most? Why?

Disaster movies, even more than horror films, speak – if not shout, happily – to the child within us. There’s a charmed, wide-eyed, and almost comically irreverent innocence to the way that they can turn an entire audience of sober, responsible, thinking adults into overgrown kids, sitting down to watch civilization get destroyed in much the same way that a 6-year-old lines up his toys to eagerly smash them. On some primal level, this kind of destruction simply has to be staged, so that we can all get a gander of what it might look like. What really gives a disaster movie its flavor, though, is how well it connects with its time. They presents the destruction of our stability as a dread-ridden, calamitous, and visually exciting thing, yet in this movie it is also a necessary thing: a way, in pitiless economic times, to clear the world, in one fell swoop, of the mess it’s become. So that it can become something better.

If the task of a film is to reproduce real life, should everything we see be reproduced? Should films about social evils and human vices be made?

Yes and yes. First of all most people learn from Mass Media. Indeed the power of the film-maker to shape our notions about intense experience, to provide a series of fictional experiences through which we funnel ”realife”, is unrivaled in all of mass communication. Somehow, the mediated reality we see “up there” takes on an inexplicable significance. This can be used to form the right notions about different things. Social evils, human vices, sufferings of reality all of that reproduced in a film helps people to understand what they have not experienced themselves. It helps people to be cautious and take life more seriously.

What is a film star?

A movie star (also known as a film star and cinema star) is a celebrity who is well-known, or famous, for his or her starring, or leading, roles in motion pictures. The term may also apply to an actor or actress who is recognized as a marketable commodity and whose name is used to promote a movie in trailers and posters. The most widely known, prominent or successful actors are sometimes called “superstars” by writers and journalists.

What does the success of a film depend on?

The success of the film depends on the cast, the director, the screenplay and, of course, on the budget of the film.

Дата публикования: 2015-06-12; Прочитано: 3137 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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