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Exercise 19

I. Arrange the words and word combinations given below in a logical order to show how you usually do the following household chores:


to wring (squeeze); to rinse; to sort out the lights, darks, and whites; to hang (out) the laun­dry on the washing-lines; to starch; to take a wash-basin; to dry the linen; to blue; to add de­tergent (washing powder); to use laundry soap; to pour out warm water; to bring a pile of wash­ing; to bleach; to do a big wash; to choose a wash(ing) day; to pin with clothes-pegs.


to press diligently; to scorch; to iron; to get rid of the creases; to use a damp cloth; to set up an ironing board; to switch on an electric iron.

washing up:

to put cups, etc. in the plate rack; to do the dishes; to dry (up) plates and dishes; to pile eve­rything up tidily; to scrape all scraps of solid food from the dishes; to take washing liquid or laun­dry soap; to rinse the plates; to start with china and cutlery; to do greasy frying pans and large saucepans; to use a bottlebrush.

dusting the furniture:

to keep clean and tidy; to vacuum; to get through the tedious business of doing something; to throw things away; to mb over with a soapy cloth; to air the room; to use a duster; to look spick and span; to prepare for a messy job.

II. Tell your groupmates how you do the washing, the ironing, etc.

Дата публикования: 2015-06-12; Прочитано: 474 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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