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Size parameters

Market size can be given in terms of the number of buyers and sellers in a particular market or in terms of the total exchange of money in the market, generally annually (per year). When given in terms of money, market size is often termed market value, but in a distinguished sense than the market value of individual products. For one and the same goods, there may be different (and generally increasing) market values at the production level, the wholesale level and the retail level. For example, the value of the global illicit drug market for the year 2003 was estimated by the United Nations to be US$13 billion at the production level, $94 billion at the wholesale level (taking seizures into account), and US$322 billion at the retail level (based on retail prices and taking seizures and other losses into account).

Vocabulary Study

6. Study the following words and phrases:

whereby посредством, при помощи
parties стороны (участники)
rely on полагаться, опираться, рассчитывать
labour труд
multiple множественный
monopsony монопсония, монополия покупателя (рыночная структура, характеризующаяся наличием на рынке только одного покупателя товара, услуги или ресурса, что обеспечивает покупателю возможность влиять на уровень цен)
imperfect competition несовершенная конкуренция
scale размер, масштаб, размах
participant участник
retail market розничный рынок
parking lots место стоянки автотранспорта
ad hoс спонтанный, произвольный
intermediate goods промежуточная продукция, подсобные материалы, полуфабрикаты
commodity market товарный рынок
stock market фондовая биржа
artificial искусственный
derivative производный (финансовый) инструмент, дериватив
design придумывать, разрабатывать
ameliorate улучшать(ся)
externalities внешние эффекты, экстерналии (положительные или отрицательные побочные последствия производства или потребления, осуществляемого субъектом/субъектами, напрямую затрагивающие другого субъекта/субъектов)
pollution загрязнение (внешней среды)
carbon уголь, углерод
illegal незаконный, нелегальный; запрещенный
illicit drugs запрещённый наркотик
mainstream господствующая тенденция, представляющий большинство
transaction сделка, транзакция
give rise to вызывать, иметь результаты
concerning касающийся, затрагивающий
supply and demand спрос и предложение
facilitate облегчать; содействовать
allocation распределение (средств, ресурсов); размещение
item отдельный предмет (в списке и т. п.)
evaluate оценивать; составлять мнение
deliberately осознанно, обдуманно
interaction взаимодействие
cf. (от confer) сравни
ownership собственность; имущество
originate брать начало, возникать
run действовать, работать
laissez-faire policy политика невмешательства
attempt попытка
intervene вмешиваться
subsidy субсидия, дотация
price ceiling потолок цен
distort искажать; деформировать
adverse неблагоприятный, вредный
welfare благосостояние
outcome итог, последствие, результат
markedly заметно; явно
meet equilibrium соблюдать баланс
experience испытывать, претерпевать
approximate приближать(ся)
access доступ
proponent защитник, сторонник
trade union профсоюз
accuse обвинять (кого-л.; of - в чем-л.)
acceptable приемлемый; допустимый
in terms of numbers в количественных показателях
distinguish проводить различие, различать
wholesale оптовая торговля
seizure захват, взятие силой
loss утрата, потеря


7. Choose the correct alternative to complete each sentence:

1. In many markets there is a firm with a much larger market share than its competitors, called a ….

a. market leader b. monopolist c. multinational

2. A company that is number two in an industry, but which would like to become number one – think of Pepsi vs. Coke, Reebok vs. Nike, Avis vs. Hertz – is known as a ….

a. market challenger b. market competitor c. market follower

3. A smaller company in an industry, more or less content with its existing market share, is called a ….

a. market challenger b. market follower c. market sharer

4. Small, specialized companies, which target segments within segments, are called ….

a. market failures b. market followers c. market nichers

5. A market in which one single producer can fix an artificially high price is called a/an ….

a. homogeneous market b. monopoly c. undifferentiated market

6. A situation in which the market leader can determine the price that its competitors can charge is called a ….

a. dominant-firm oligopoly b. market failure c. monopoly

7. A market in which it is normal to have only one supplier – e.g. utilities such as water and sewage, gas, electricity – is called a ….

a. conglomerate b. natural monopoly c. pure monopoly

8. a) Add the word market either before or after each of the words below:

HELP: There are a large number of two-word nouns in English including the word market. In the field of marketing, the word market usually, but not always, comes first (e.g. market share). In the fields of economics and finance, the word market usually, but not always, comes second (e.g. stock market).

bear over-the-counter
bull penetration
buyer’s perfect
capital price
capitalization primary
challenger property
commodity research
follower secondary
forces securities
forward segment
free seller’s
futures share
labour skimming
leader spot
maker stock
money value

10. Match the words with their definitions:

1. laissez-faire policy 2. monopsony 3. labour 4. proponent 5. participant 6. supply 7. equilibrium 8. stock 9. item a. an amount of it which someone has or which is available for them to use b. a market form in which only one buyer faces many sellers c. used to refer to the workers of a country or industry, considered as a group. d. the people who take part in an activity e. a balance between several different influences or aspects of a situation f. a person actively supporting a particular idea or a course of action g. shares in the ownership of a company h. when transactions between private parties are free from state intervention, including regulations, taxes, etc. i. a single thing, especially part of a list, group, or set

11. Fill in the gaps with the words and expressions from Ex. 10:

1. Latin America lacked skilled ….

2. 40 of the course … are offered employment with the company.

3. Stocks seesawed ever lower until prices found some new level of ….

4. The most valuable … on show will be a Picasso drawing.

5. … are shares investments on which a fixed amount of interest will be paid.

6. He is one of the leading … of government regulation of the national economy.

7. A free market policy with prices determined by supply and demand is called ….

8. In free market economy, prices are determined by the interaction of the forces of … and demand.

9. An example of imperfect competition, a market form in which only on buyer faces many sellers is ….

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