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Б) В таблице приведены данные о расположении различных зданий. Используя эту информацию, определите, где какое здание находится

The movie theater is next to the hospital. The bowling alley is across the street from the hospital. The hardware store is between the bowling alley and the drugstore.
The gas station is on the northeast corner of Summer Ave. and Winter St. The Laundromat is around the corner from the hardware store. The school is next to the laundromat.
The grocery store is west of the Thai restaurant. The post office is across the street from the school. The Mexican restaurant is on the southwest corner of the Summer Ave. and Winter St.
The bank is between the post office and the Mexican restaurant. The police station is around the corner from the bank. The beauty salon is between the police station and the video sore.
The Thai restaurant is across from the police station. The Thai restaurant is between the library and the grocery store. The video store is across the grocery store and down the street from the Mexican restaurant.
The fire station is around the corner from the Thai restaurant. The dentist’s office is across from the fire station. The doctor’s office is next to the fire station.

в) Используя заполненную схему, ответьте на вопросы:

1) Is the drugstore on the southwest or southeast corner of Summer Ave. and Winter St.?

2) Where is the library?

3) What is between the beauty salon and the Mexican restaurant?

4) Where is the laundromat?

5) What’s next to the doctor’s office?

6) Where is the grocery store?

7) What’s next to the post office?

8) What’s around the corner from the movie theater?

9) Is the library north or south of the fire station?

10) What’s across the street from the laundromat?

11) What’s down the street from the library?

12) Where is the hospital?

13) What’s next to the Thai restaurant?

14) Where is the school?

15) What’s next to the bowling alley?

Нарисуйте приблизительную схему района, где вы живете. Расспросите однокурсника о районе, в котором он живет, используя его схему. Ответьте на его вопросы о вашем районе с помощью вашей схемы.

Образец: -- Is there a restaurant in your neighbourhood? – No, there isn’t.

-- Is there a cafeteria in your neighbourhood? – Yes, there is.

-- Where is it? – It’s in Central Street, across from the bank.

Дата публикования: 2015-04-10; Прочитано: 414 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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