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Russian spoken on Paris underground

Recently a familiar voice could be heard in Pairs Metro announcing: «On the occasion of the centennial of Paris Metro, Line 13 plays host to Moscow Metro.» The anniversary was celebrated in 2000. The Metro appeared in Paris later than in London, New York, Chicago, Budapest, Glasgow, and Vienna, and it owes its name to the Paris Metropolitan Railroad Company.

As part of wide-ranging celebration program, including the modernization of nearly 200 of its 375 stations, the Paris Metro decided to invite its counterparts from four continents.

Four stations will reproduce the interior of Seoul Metro, representing the Asian continent; Cairo Metro, representing Africa; and Mexico Metro for the Americas. The honor to represent Europe at Les Invalides, the busiest station in downtown Paris, went to Moscow Metro. Using slides and photos sent in from Moscow, interior decorators reproduce faithfully elements of Moscow Metro. Fixtures were replaced by reproductions of stained-glass windows of Novoslobodskaya Station and mosaics of Kievskaya with columns, benches, and even inscriptions in Cyrillic while the attendant staff much to their delight put on Moscow Metro uniforms.

centennial —столетний

on the occasion — по случаю

play host — выполнять роль хозяина

counterpart — коллега

downtown — центр

fixture — арматура

stained glass — цветное стекло

attendant staff— служащие

Cyrillic — славянский

Дата публикования: 2015-04-06; Прочитано: 459 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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