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Service for cargo owners

New speedy trains «Moscow-Vladivostok» and «Vladivostok-Moscow» are on rails with container and cargo carriages as a part of them. In case of using the trains cargo owners could enjoy a full service of delivery including a "door from door" one. The launching of these trains became one more step of the Center of Transport service to attract additional cargo volumes, to reduce expanses and terms of delivery, and to improve the quality of service at Trans-Siberian route. The next step of the Center is to launch the regular cargo speedy trains between Moscow and Beijing with the same level of service for cargo owners. It should be pointed out that improving of service on this route is of great importance in attracting here additional volumes of cargo. To reduce the terms of delivery and to ensure regularity of trains are the first requirements of the potential clients who consider Trans-Siberian route as the way of cargo transit from Asian and Pacific region to West Europe. Because transit cargo carrying by railways of Russia (today the main cargo volumes go by sea skirting thus Russian territories) is a very important opportunity for Russian economy.

In fact the volumes of import and export transportation just reflect the situation on domestic Russian economy and could not be changed without its stabilization. Additional transit cargo (the logistical schemes of their transportation appear and disappear as well outside Russia) is a real possibility to increase the profit of railway companies and of the state budget in the whole without referring to the situation in the economy. That is the reason why a struggle between many states for transit freight traffic is the most cruel kind of competition.

The main obstacle for Trans-Siberian route to become popular enough is a political situation in Russia that is so rich of unpleasant surprises. So it is easy to understand the hesitations of cargo owners who are not in hurry to change their logistical schemes towards territories of unpeaceful Russia, even if it has a number of considerable advantages.

For the last period those who have any connections with railways seem to have realized the importance of the struggle for transit transportation through Russia. Ministry of Railways of Russia has already done a step to raise competitiveness of Trans-Siberian route. The measures are being taken to increase the speed of the container train «Nakhodka-Vostochnay Buslovskaya» (part of containers could be brought to Brest). The train has the same technological aspects as the passenger trains do.

At the session of Coordination Council of Trans-Siberian transportation that will take place in Helsinki the participants will have an opportunity to promote the new projects of railways of Russia, and especially those concerning Trans-Siberian line to the potential clients. The results of negotiation in Helsinki could be of great importance in the near future for it can influence the struggle for transit cargo delivery from Asian and Pacific region countries to West Europe between sea transport and land one using Transsib.

trunk-line — магистраль skirt — окружать

competitive — конкурентоспособный cargo — груз

Дата публикования: 2015-04-06; Прочитано: 420 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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