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Lesson 4. Your hometask was to compose a story about the problems you’ve faced being at an interview

Oral test on the homework

Your hometask was to compose a story about the problems you’ve faced being at an interview. Tell your story to the class.


I. Fill in gaps with a suitable word from a-c option:

1. You will be asked questions at an _____.

A. interview

B. application

C. interests

2. _____ can tell a person how you are feeling without you even having to speak.

A. Skills

B. Templates

C. Body Language

3. A person should _____ a company before going on an interview.

A. improve

B. research

C. career

4. A _____ letter should always be sent after you have gone on an interview.

A. cover-letter

B. friendly

C. follow-up

5. A _____ is a paper that tells employers about you.

A. resume

B. rough draft

C. template

6. Most jobs require you to have an _____ and/or experience.

A. interest

B. education

C. edit

7. A _____ is a job that you plan to have for a long time.

A. career

B. prepare

C. resume

8. It is important to _____ your resume to make necessary changes before you send it to a company.

A. rough draft

B. template

C. edit

9. There are _____ on your computer that can help you write letters.

A. templates

B. interests

C. final drafts

10. You will need to _____ a company to get an application from them.

A. contact

B. prepare

C. interview

II. Match terms written in bold with their correct meanings. Then read matched pairs aloud and put between the term and its definition the verb “is”.

1. prepare A. Things a person is good at doing.
2. resume B. To meet with someone from a company to talk about a job that you are trying to get.
3. skills C. To get ready for something.
4. application D. A letter that is usually sent with a resume when trying to get a job.
5. interview E. A job that someone trains for and does for a living.
6. body language F. A form that you fill out when trying to get a job.
7. follow-up letter G. A paper that tells employers about you.
8. cover letter H. The way your body can tell a person how you are feeling without using words.
9. career I. A letter that is usually sent to someone after an interview.
10. contact J. To call or speak with someone

III. Do you know what the following words mean?

Edit, education, final draft, improve, research, rough draft, template.

IV. Compose 10 sentences using terms from exercises 2 an 3 using as many terms as you can.

V. There are different views on how to organise a CV, most prospective employers would expect to see the following headings:

Дата публикования: 2014-10-25; Прочитано: 460 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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