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Invent hired closet nap laboratory light bulb

  1. Edison liked to _______________ things.
  2. Edison worked in his _______________ day and night.
  3. When you take a short sleep, it is a _______________.
  4. A place where you hang your clothes is a _______________.
  5. Edison paid chemists and mechanics to work for him. He _______________ them.
  6. When the lamp in your house does not work, you may need to change the _______________.

II. Choose right answer.

  1. When Edison was a boy, he ______.

a. made a lot of money

b. built a laboratory in his house

c. invented motion pictures

  1. In his laboratory at Menlo Park, Edison ______.

a. worked day and night

b. slept most of the time

c. did not work

  1. Edison invented ______.

a. only a record player

b. his name

c. more than 1,300 things

III. Number the sentences 1 through 7 to show the correct order.

_____ He died in 1931, at the age of eighty-four.

_____ With this money he started to invent.

_____ Edison was ten when he read his first science book.

_____ In 1876, he invented the phonograph.

_____ After that, he built a laboratory in his house.

_____ When he was twenty-three, he made a lot of money.

_____ He started his own laboratory at Menlo Park.

IV. Complete the sentences with the Past Tense forms of the verbs in brackets.

EXAMPLE: Edison started his own laboratory in Menlo Park (start).

  1. Edison __________ the light bulb (invent).
  2. When he was twenty-three, he __________ a special machine (make).
  3. He __________ this invention for a lot of money (sell).
  4. Edison __________ chemists to help him (hire).
  5. Edison __________day and night (work).
  6. He often __________ naps (take).

Дата публикования: 2014-10-25; Прочитано: 564 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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