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The Sentence Structure

Word order in English sentences:

verb + object

Jill reads a newspaper every day

subject verb object

The verb (reads) and the object (a newspaper) are usually together:

- Jill reads a newspaper every day. (not ‘Jill reads every day a newspaper. ’)

subject verb +object  
You speak English very well.
I watched television all evening.
We invented a lot of people to the party.
My brother phoned the police immediately.

— I like Italian food very much. (not ‘I like very much Italian food.’)

— Ann borrowed some money from the bank. (not ‘Ann borrowed from the bank some money.’)

— I opened the door very quietly. (not ‘I opened very quietly the door.’)

— George usually wears a black hat. (not ‘George wears usually a black hat.’)

— Why do you always make the same mistake? (not ‘Why do you make always the same mistake?’)

place and time

  Place (where?) time (when? how long? how often?)
George walks to work every morning
We arrived at the airport at 7 o’clock.
Are you going to the party tonight?
They’ve lived in the same house for 20 years.
I usually go to bed early.

place is usually before time:

— They go to school every day. (not ‘They go every day to school.’)

— I went to the bank yesterday afternoon. (not ‘I went yesterday afternoon to the bank.’)

— Jack’s brother has been in hospital since June. (not ‘... since June in hospital.’)

Дата публикования: 2014-10-25; Прочитано: 420 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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