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Продолжение. While reporting Now, let us turn to the point The second point is Moving to point three And finally So much about

While reporting Now, let us turn to the point... The second point is... Moving to point three...And finally... So much about... I'd like to attract your attention to... Allow me to call your attention to... I should like to note (emphasize)...
  If you look at this diagram... Have a look at...
  If you remember, I mentioned... As I've already mentioned...
  Do you see what I mean... Do you follow me... As far as I know... Sorry, I got lost...
Ending the report In conclusion I'd like to stress the importance... Thank you for your attention.
Introducing oneself My name is John Smith. I am from Massachusetts Institute of Technology. I'm very impressed with Dr. B's complete (interesting) presentation. I'd like to give you my view on this subject...
Questions My question is as follows... I have a question to ask... One question is, the second question is... I'd like to ask a question in this connection... There is a practical question which... Pd like to ask a question concerning... May I address a question to Dr. В.? Is it possible to describe simply, how...
Agreement with the speaker I think you are entirely right speaking about... I'd like to express agreement with the speaker
Disagreement But I am not sure you are right. I am very sorry to have to say that I don't agree with Dr. B. Unfortunately, I cannot agree with your final statement. I wish I could agree with you but... We are not yet certain....

Дата публикования: 2014-10-25; Прочитано: 648 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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