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in the 19th –20th Centuries
1. Study the key vocabulary:
policy plan -план деятельности
vicinity – окрестности
specimen –образец, экземпляр
sturgeon -oсетр
to recount -излагать подробно
permafrost - вечная мерзлота
memoirs - воспоминания
topographical survey - топографическая съемка
pass - перевал горного хребта
2. Match the following columns:
policy plan vicinity specimen sturgeon to recount permafrost memoir topographical survey pass | to go to melt city plant to go strategic to write to go occurrence to carry out occurrence |
3. Circle the word similar to the meaning of the key word or key combination:
• policy plan
a) tactics b) strategy c)development
• vicinity
a) neighbourhood b) environment c) the suburbs
• specimen
a) type b) example c) model
• to recount
a) tell b) to say c) to describe
• permafrost
a) glacier b) multiyear ice c) frozen land
• memoir
a) recollection b) memory c) biography
4. Write the sentences with the key vocabulary.
Дата публикования: 2014-10-25; Прочитано: 372 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!