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Lesson 23. Main Discoveries of Russian Scientists in the Far East

in the 19th –20th Centuries

1. Study the key vocabulary:

policy plan -план деятельности

vicinity – окрестности

specimen –образец, экземпляр

sturgeon -oсетр

to recount -излагать подробно

permafrost - вечная мерзлота

memoirs - воспоминания

topographical survey - топографическая съемка

pass - перевал горного хребта

2. Match the following columns:

policy plan vicinity specimen sturgeon to recount permafrost memoir topographical survey pass to go to melt city plant to go strategic to write to go occurrence to carry out occurrence

3. Circle the word similar to the meaning of the key word or key combination:

policy plan

a) tactics b) strategy c)development


a) neighbourhood b) environment c) the suburbs


a) type b) example c) model

to recount

a) tell b) to say c) to describe


a) glacier b) multiyear ice c) frozen land


a) recollection b) memory c) biography

4. Write the sentences with the key vocabulary.

Дата публикования: 2014-10-25; Прочитано: 372 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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