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Finish these sentences using the information above. Use Reported Speech

1) She threatened …….

2) She announced that she …….

3) He asked the waiter …….

4) The waiter answered …….

5) He boasted that …….

6) She begged them …….

7) She whispered that …….

8) She claimed …….

9) He explained that …….

10) She shouted to us …….

12. Complete the following letter using the correct form of a verb from the list. The first (0) is given as an example.

go, buy, make, snow, give, miss, send, plan, love, think, enjoy, have, cost

Dear Rose,

Thanks for your letter. I’ve got lot’s of news for you this time. We went to see “Titanic”. Everyone had said it was (0) great and that nobody should … (1) it. There has been a lot of publicity on TV about it recently which told us how much it …(2) to make and all that, and Liz and Tony saw it and said they …(3) it. Frankly speaking, I was a bit disappointed. Anyway, I suggest you … (4) and see it and … (5) up your own mind.

Ah, yes, I got a call from your uncle in Canada who said he … (6) you a parcel – have you got it yet? He said it … (7) there, and everything was white but he added they always … (8) a heavy winter. He also told me they … (9) a new jeep and they … (10) to travel round the States in it in the summer. He said he … (11) us a ride in it if we popped over for a holiday. I replied that we … (12) to go over if he agreed to pay all our expenses! He laughed and said he … (13) about it and let us know!

Дата публикования: 2014-10-25; Прочитано: 5159 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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