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U-2 Key: 1l; 2d; 3m; 4k; 5h; 6b; 7c; 8e; 9f; 10g; 11j; 12i; 13a.
U-4 Key: 1h; 2f; 3i; 4j; 5a; 6c; 7e; 8d; 9b; 10g.
U-6 Key: 1m; 2q; 3i; 4r; 5g; 6l; 7j; 8a; 9b; 10f; 11n; 12s; 13h; 140; 15p; 16n; 17c; 18e; 19d
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U-11 Key: 1e; 2j; 3d; 4h; 5b; 6i; 7a; 8c; 9g; 10f
U-16 Key: 1с; 2i; 3l; 4k; 5b; 6h; 7d; 8j; 9g; 10e; 11a; 12f
1. Абрамчук П.П., Власов С.Н., Мостков В.М. Подземные сооружения. М.: ТА Инжиниринг, 2005. 464 с.
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3. Власов Г.М. Мосты Новосибирска. - Новосибирск: Издательство «Приобские ведомости», 2010. – 192 с.
4. Инженерные сооружения в транспортном строительстве. В 2 кн. Кн. 2: Учеб. Для вузов/ П.М. Саламахин, Л.В. Маковский, В.И. Попов и др.; Под ред. П.М. Саламахина. М.: Изд. Центр «Академия», 2007. 272 с.
5. Строительство мостов: учеб. пособие для вузов /В.Г. Курлянд, В.В. Курлянд; МАДИ. - М., 2012. – 176 с.
6. Footbridge 2002. Proceedings of the International Conference on the Design and Dynamic Behaviour of Footbridges. Paris, November 20-22, 2002, 258 pages.
7. Manual of bridge engineering. Edited by M J Ryall, G A R Parke and J E Harding, University of Surrey, 2000, 1040 pages.
8. Prestressed Concrete Bridges: Design and Construction info: Prestressed Concrete Bridges: Design and Construction Nigel R. Hewson, Thomas Telford 2003 ISBN: 0727732234 540 pages.
9. Proceedings of the ICE - Bridge Engineering, Volume 167 (2014), Issue 1, ISSN: 1478-4637
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10. Structural Engineering International. Journal of the International Association for Bridge and Structural Engineering (IABSE), ISSN 1016-8664.
11. Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology. Volume 8, November 1, January 1993. Printed in Great Britain by Nuffield Press Ltd.
12. Underground Space – the 4th Dimension of Metropolises. Proceedings of the 33rd ITA-AITES World Tunnel Congress, Prague, Czech Republic 5-10 May 2007. Volume 3. Taylor & Francis/Balkem. Pages 1663 -1980
13. City Rail International (ISSN 1359-4397), A&M Transport Publishing Ltd, UK
14. IRJ International Railway Journal (ISSN 0744-5326), Headily Brothers Ltd, UK
15. Railway Gazette International (ISSN 0373-5346), Reed Business Information, Great Britain
16. European Rail Outlook (ISSN 1558-5239), Headly Brothers Ltd, UK
17. Public Transport International, ISSN-1016-796X
18. RT&S Railway Track and Structures (ISSN: 0033-8916), Simmons-Boardman Corp, USA
19. Rail Infrastructure. The Specialist Magazine for railway infrastructure industry, NPT Publishing, UK
20. Dynamics of Structures. Theory and Applications to Earthquake Engineering. Anil K. Chopra. University of California at Berkeley. Third Edition. 2007. Pearson Prentice Hall
21. Dictionary of Railway Track Terms by Christopher F. Schulte. Simmons-Boardman Books, Inc. Second Edition, First Printing, January 1993.
22. Railway Age’s Comprehensive Railroad Dictionary. Simmons-Boardman Books, Inc. Third Printing. January 1992.
23. The Wordsworth Railway Dictionary by Alan A. Jackson (ISBN 1- 85326-750-3).
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26. http://www.fhwa.dot.gov/
27. www.cowi.com
28. britannica. com
[1] One arshin equals 71 centimetres
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