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Head Buyer- начальник отдела снабжения магазина
to adopt methods- внедрять методы
terminal- терминал, вывод, конец, граница
to feed the information закладывать информацию в
in the computer- компьютер
to date- вычислять подсчитывать
Vocabulary Practice
Exercise I. Change the sentences according to the model.
M o d e 1: I was worth looking over the operations of the supermarket.
I was worth looking them over.
1. They picked out the new merchandise.
2. They talked over the new software.
3. The manager tried out new sales checks.
4. She filled out the payroll form.
5. They took down the statistical data.
6. She put off her work.
7. He had to look over the new program.
Exercise 2. Change the sentence according to the model.
Model: The sales are numerous. I can't mention them all.
They are too numerous for me to mention.
1. This software is very expensive. The company can't buy it.
2. The results are numerous. They can't remember them all.
3. The computers are complicated. I can't use them.
4. Processing this data is difficult. John can't learn it.
5. I am tired. I can't do the billing right now.
6. I am busy. I can't go on a business trip right now.
7. The data is complicated. I can't explain it.
8. The situation is difficult. We can’t overcome it at once.
Дата публикования: 2014-10-25; Прочитано: 463 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!