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Housing estate at taranto, italy

This residential development comprises 460 flats, accommodated in point blocks four or nine storeys high and long four-storey blocks. The latter, each of which has a structural core in the middle and two flats per floor, are joined to the point blocks with central core and three flats per floor. The buildings are raised off the ground on pillars, so that the ground floor area is largely open and with unrestricted access.

A uniform structural system was used for all the buildings. In the two longitudinal facades and on the centre-line columns, consisting of sections ranging from HE 140 A to HE 180 B, at 3.44 m centres, were built on tapered reinforced concrete col­umns in the open bottom storey. In the longi­tudinal direction the external columns were interconnected by pin-jointed beams, channel sections U 220, while the central columns were rigidly interconnected by HE 180 A beams. In the transverse direction secondary beams were pin-jointed to the columns. All structural connections were bolted. Wind forces are transmitted through the floors to the rein­forced concrete cores and to vertical cross bracings in the end walls of the wings.

In the construction of the floors reinforced concrete T-beams were used spanning between outside and central beams. Precast floor units are 5.20 m long, 0.75 m wide and 19 cm thick, resting on in-situ reinforced concrete beams. Reinforcement was welded to the top flanges of the steel beams and structural continuity of the concrete beams over the central steel beams was ensured by lapping of the reinforcement.

Foundations are bearing on limestone. Pad foundations were used under the columns. Under the wind bracings in the ends of the buildings strip foundations were used. Bearing pressure on subsoil is 3 kg/cm2.


lapping n. соединение внахлёстку

pillar n. колонна, стойчатая опора

T-beam тавровая балка

Ответьте на вопросы к тексту

1. What kinds of blocks are there in this residential development?

2. What is the difference in the floor plan of the blocks?

3. Why is the ground floor area largely open?

4. What are the features of the structural system of all the buildings?

5. How were structural elements connected?

6. Where were T-beams used?

7. Describe the foundation of the building.

Дата публикования: 2014-10-25; Прочитано: 324 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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