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Comprehension. Ex. 1.Based on your understanding of the text, are the following TRUE or FALSE?

Ex. 1. Based on your understanding of the text, are the following TRUE or FALSE? Explain why.

1. Industrialized nations also have well-established systems of government and law, and provide educational opportunities for their people.

2. Greece may best be described as an economy in transition.

3. EU includes only countries of Europe.

4. The term sustainable growth refers to political growth based on renewable resources and average environmental degradation.

5. Newly industrialized nations (NICs) have a slowly growing base of productive capital and rising incomes. Most of these nations have poor governments and primitive banking and financial systems

6. Brazil is weighed down with international debt and must work hard to control inflation.

7. Developing nations range from the poorest in the world to those that have begun to build an industrial base.

Ex. 2. Find in the text the answers to the following questions.

1. What countries are considered as industrialized countries?

2. What are problems facing the developed countries?

3. What countries are called Asian Tigers?

4. Why Asian Tigers succeeded in their economic development?

5. What is Brazil weighed down with?

6. What problems does Pakistan face?

7. How can you characterize the problems of developing countries?

Ex. 3. Speak on:

1. Classification of the nations according to the development of their economy.

2. International trade as a form of specialization.

3. Main features of industrialized countries

4. Sectors of the economy the NIC need to develop.

5. Primary issues of concern in LDC.

Text 2

Scan the text and find information on the following issues.

– three factors for successful development;

– functions of ICC;

– the location of ICC;

– mission of APEC;

– difference between APEC and other multilateral trade bodies.

Дата публикования: 2014-10-25; Прочитано: 710 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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