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Vocabulary Focus. Ex. 1.Match the words from A with their synonyms from B. A B 1) illegal a) to postpone 2) restriction b) limitation 3)

Ex. 1. Match the words from A with their synonyms from B.

1) illegal a) to postpone
2) restriction b) limitation
3) crucial c) against law
4) to consume d) rare
5) to benefit e) to profit
6) wasteful f) barter
7) exchange g) to use up
8) to defer h) vital
9) scarce i) costly

Ex. 2. The text contains a number of common verb-noun partnerships (e.g. to store money, to make purchases...). Match up the verbs and nouns below to make common collocations.

1) consume a) prices
2) exchange b) interest
3) quote c) money
4) keep d) goods and services
5) bear e) payment
6) deferred f) accounts
7) serve g) as a store of value

Ex. 3. Match the Russian word-combinations with their English equivalents.

1) счётная единица a) to be eroded by inflation
2) обоюдное совпадение потребностей b) a unit of account
3) средство сбережения c) a medium of exchange
4) средство обращения d) a store of value
5) единица отсроченного платежа e) to swap for other goods
6) обменивать на другие товары f) a standard of deferred payment
7) уменьшаться в результате инфляции g) a double coincidence of wants
8) взаимовыгодный обмен h) legal tender
9) законное средство платежа i) a mutually satisfactory swap

Дата публикования: 2014-10-25; Прочитано: 698 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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