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SPEAKING. If you expect the other person to do what you ask (A), or to know the information (I) that you want

A. The polite formula:

If you expect the other person to do what you ask (A), or to know the information (I) that you want, use:

Could you (A) I’d like you to (A) I wonder if you could (A)
Could you tell me (I) I’d like to know (I) I wonder if you could tell me (I)

If you are not sure whether the other person will do what you ask (A), or knows the information you want (I), use:

Do you think you could (A) Do you know (I)
I wonder if you could (A) Do you happen to know (I)
Would you mind (A)  

Ex. 1. Act as a customer who visits a bank and asks a series of questions about the bank services. Use different forms of polite requesting information.

Model. The account has been credited with the dividend.

Can you tell me whether my account has been credited with the dividend?

1) the kinds of current account available;

2) the normal bank charges on overdrawn account;

3) the frequency of sending statements (How often…);

4) interest rate on deposit account;

5) current level of interest they charge on loans;

6) getting an appointment to discuss the cash flow problem with a loan officer;

7) checking whether the cheque paid in last Monday has been cleared.

Ex. 2. Read the short conversations in a bank. Pay attention to the formula of expressing request. Practice the conversations with your partner.

1. A. I want to change some English money into euro (Belarusian roubles/ dollars;..). Can you help me?

B. Certainly, sir. The exchange rate today is …euros to the pound (Belarusian roubles to the dollar;..). How much do you want to exchange?

2. A. I’d like to transfer some money to my account in London, please.

B. You have an account here, madam? How urgent is it? Would you like us to send it by mail transfer?

3. A. I’d like to know how long it takes for a cheque to clear. I paid the cheque into the account on Friday.

B. Unless it’s a local cheque it will take a full five working days to clear. That means we should be able to treat it as paid by this time next week.

Ex. 3. Make a dialogue with your partner. Use these phrases in the conversation.

Requests Reactions
pay this into my current/deposit account show me your cheque card/passport
withdraw from my… sign it /initial it
cash this cheque/travellers’ cheques put the name of the payee/ the date
transfer money to…  

Дата публикования: 2014-10-25; Прочитано: 548 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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