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Vocabulary Focus. Ex. 1. Match the words from A with their synonyms from B. A 1) adjust 2) value 3) consume 4) transaction 5) intermediate 6) domestic 7)

Ex. 1. Match the words from A with their synonyms from B.

A 1) adjust 2) value 3) consume 4) transaction 5) intermediate 6) domestic 7) expenditure 8) intervene B a) inside a particular country b) coming between two things in time c) cost d) consumption e) adapt f) interfere g) use up h) apiece of business done

Ex. 2. Match the verbs and nouns below to make verb-noun partnerships that are found in the text.

A 1) intermediate 2) seasonal 3) intanglible 4) undertake 5) measure/estimate 6) tangrble 7) enter 8) market B a) the marketplace b) goods c) expenditures d) value e) adjustment f) service g) the performance h) goods

Ex. 3. Make the opposite to the following words by adding negative prefixes: il-; ex-; in-; non-; un-. Use the dictionary if necessary.

Legally; comprehensive; include; market; tangible; available; adjusted.

Ex. 4. Match the words in column A with their English equivalents in column B:

1) предоставление нерыночных услуг 2) выпускать продукцию 3) общий объем понесенных затрат 4) товары, производимые и продаваемые незаконно 5) промежуточный продукт 6) конечный продукт 7) осязаемые товары 8) движение средств между счетами 9) нематериальные/неосязаемые услуги 10) производимый внутри страны 11) дефлятор a) to produce output b) deflator c) items produced and sold illicitly d) total amount of the expenditure undertaken e) the provision of non-market services f) intermediate good g) produced domestically h) intangible services i) tangible goods j) final goods k) funds transfer

Ex. 5. Match the words from A with their definitions from B.

A 1) GDP 2) Gross National Product     3) final goods     4) net domestic product   5) output   6) expenditure   7) inventory 8) adjustment 9) transfer B a) the amount of sth product b) the market value of all final goods and services produced in a nation during the period of time c) the market value of all final goods and services produced by a nations residents no matter where they are located; d) finished goods or services produced for the ultimate user; e) the gross domestic product minus depreciation of capital work out in producing output. f) altering sth by a small amount so that it will fit properly or be right for use g) an amount of money spent h) stocks of raw materials and finished goods i) the action of transferring sth/sb

Дата публикования: 2014-10-25; Прочитано: 886 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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