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Talking points (1)

1. Have you ever travelled in an airplane?

Divide into two groupspeople who have flown before and people who have not.

The people who have flown before should discuss these ques­tions:

1) Who has had the longest flight?

2) Who has flown the most times?

3) Who gets bored and who gets excited on flights?

4) What part of the flight do you enjoy (dislike) most?

5) Has anyone had any frightening experiences on a flight?

The people who haven 7 flown before should discuss these ques­tions:

1) Would you like to fly? What would you like (not like) about flying? 2) Which part of the flight do you think would be most ex­citing? Which part would take you most nervous? f3) What would be the best place to sit in an aeroplane — aisle seat, window seat or in the middle of the row? At the front or at the back of the plane?

Discuss your answers with people from the other group.

2. Which job would you like most — pilot, flight attendant, or air-traffic controller? Which is the most difficult?

3. How many of these pieces of advice/recommendations are worth following? Why?

a) Never get to the airport too early in case the plane is late.

b) Always take a good long book to read on a journey.

c) Always try to get some sleep on the plane.

d) Never take more then one suitcase on a journey.

e) Always try to do some work on the plane — there won't
be any phone calls to interrupt you.

0 Never drink alcohol on a plane.

4. You and your friend are looking forward to a trip to...in summer. You insist on flying, but your friend wantsto travel by train. Discuss the advantages and disadvan­tages of travelling by air and by train.

5. Discuss the following:

1. What makes travelling by air almost as safe as travelling by rail?

2. Do the passengers go straight to the plane? What do theyhave to do first?

3. When do students and schoolchildren pay reduced pric­es for tickets?

4. What information is usually given to the passengers on board a plane?

Дата публикования: 2014-10-25; Прочитано: 547 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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