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Fill in prepositions or adverbs where necessary

1) This information is available... the flight information dis­play or... the inquiry office.

2) They go... the Customs... an examination... their lug­gage.

3)... you are through... all Customs formalities the Customs officer puts a stamp... your Customs declaration, or... each piece... luggage, or chalks it....

4) Each passenger... two years... age has a free luggage al­lowance.

5) Passengers are asked if they want to sit... the window, and... the smoking or non-smoking area.

6) A boarding pass is to be shown... the departure gate and... the hostess when boarding the plane.

7) Finally, passengers proceed... the passport control area.

6. Make up an outline of the text. Write out the key­words for each point of the outline.

Make up questions on the text and discuss them in class with your partner.

Make up a summary of the text.

Make a presentation of the problems posed in the text.

10. Translate into Russian:

Have you ever been up in a plane? How do you get on board the plane? This is the runway along which the plane will take off. We are gathering speed and lifting smoothly into the air. How do you take to flying? How high are we? We'll make a non­stop flight without refuelling. That plane is for service on long­distance lines. How many people does it carry? I can't hear for the roar of the engines.


Дата публикования: 2014-10-25; Прочитано: 1126 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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