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Evolving Internet Facts

• Half of all Americans and three-quarters of American Internet users already have used a government Web site to find information or conduct transactions.

• When asked to name the most important potential benefit of e-government, 28 percent of Americans cite greater government accountability to its citizens, 19 percent say greater efficiency and cost-effectiveness, 18 percent say more access to public information, and 13 percent say more convenient government services.

The Internet delivery of government information and services, e-government, has been a fact of online life since 1996. In the fast-moving pace of digital technology, several evolutionary cycles in e-government have developed in that time. Now e-government is on the brink of a new era when it could work to transform government’s service delivery and interaction with citizens, according to a number of surveys and experts. In so doing, e-government could also change the traditional structures of government and citizens’ perceptions of them.

In the United States, the federal government, as the largest single government entity, is at the forefront of this transition. The federal portal FirstGov.gov offers an entry point to the full range of government services, programs, and agencies, and it does so in a user-friendly manner that has been widely praised by independent evaluating organizations and information technology specialists.

State, city, and county governments have also moved rapidly over the past several years to establish an Internet presence. All 50 U.S. states have established an online presence. The quality and quantity of the information and services provided online by all these different government entities range across a wide spectrum, the result of thousands of individual decisions made in city halls, council chambers, and state houses across the country. Recognition of that divergent quality and usability brings on the next stage in e-gov’s evolution—the challenge to identify the best practices of online service delivery and the best methods to use advanced information technologies to deliver the greatest payoff for governments and the citizens they serve.

If governments can rise to that challenge, they stand to transform the belief held by publics of practically all cultures and political systems—that government is inefficient, slow, and unresponsive. The evolution of electronic government represents a bold new way of doing the state’s business to provide a government that serves its citizens and businesses productively and more efficiently.

Online service delivery has already begun to highlight what’s been wrong with the old methods. The inefficiencies of the existing processes are already starting to show themselves. The Internet erases a lot of that inefficiency.

E-government services received high marks, according to the more than 1,000 citizens surveyed by Hart-Teeter Research. More than 60 percent who were Internet users expressed interest in conducting basic transactions with government online—services such as filing a change of address, renewing a driver’s license, or obtaining a birth certificate or marriage license. Of those online users who had already accessed such services, 67 percent said that dealing with the government was easier and more convenient because of the online service, and 74 percent said that the benefits of e-government will likely grow in the years to come and improve government operations overall.

Source: Global Issues. An Electronic Journal of

the US Department of State. 2003.

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Дата публикования: 2014-10-25; Прочитано: 279 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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