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Найдите в каждом ряду синоним для выделенного слова,

по образцу: 1-d

1) to wish a) to work b) to go c) to move d) to want

2) plenty of a) much b) little c) enough d) few

3) to make a) to choose b) to do c) to win d) to wish

4) to believe a) to respect b) to deserve c) to consider d) to wish

5) to come back a) to leave b) to return c) to retreat d) to invent

6) to care about a) to use b) to worry c) to provide d) to call


2.8. Образуйте с помощью союза “but” предложения, которые доказывают, что жизнь великого ученого была полна контрастов,

по образцу: to be a millionaire but to live a simple life

He was a millionaire but lived a simple life.

a) to be an industrialist to remain an idealist

b) to be cheerful in company to be sad in private

c) to love all mankind not to have a wife or a family

to love him

d) to invent dynamite to improve to see it used as a weapon to kill

peacetime industries people

e) to be a patriot of his native to die alone in a foreign country

land but

f) to be a Swede to live more than 20 years in Russia

g) never to study at school to be a skilful chemist and excellent

or University linguist

h) to be a man of imagination to show great business and financial


Продолжите предложения, выбрав вариант, соответствующий содержанию текста.

1. Alfred Nobel was a son of a

a) millionaire.

b) bankrupt.

c) clerk.

2. He made a fortune but

a) spent all his money at restaurants.

b) was prisoned.

c) lived a simple life.

3. He invented a new explosive, dynamite,

a) to kill and injure people.

b) to improve peacetime industries.

c) to get money (reward) for his invention.

4. He was born in Stockholm

a) but moved to Russia in 1842.

b) and never left his native city.

c) moved to Germany in 1842.

5. His greatest wish was

a) to see an end to wars.

b) to become famous.

c) to earn as much money as possible.

6. According to Nobel’s will the prize is given

a) only to Swedish candidates.

b) to candidates of any nationality.

c) only to a Scandinavian.

Дата публикования: 2014-10-25; Прочитано: 672 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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