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Moscow State University

One of the oldest Russian institutions of higher education, Moscow University was established in 1755.In 1940 it was named after Academician Mikhail Lomonosov (1711 - 1765), an outstanding Russian scientist, who greatly contributed to the establishment of the university in Moscow. In 1755, on the 25th of January, St. Tatiana's Day, Empress Elizaveta Petrovna signed the decree that a university should be founded in Moscow. According to Lomonosov's plan, there were originally three faculties. First all the students acquired a comprehensive knowledge in the field of science and humanities at the Faculty of Philosophy, then they could specialize and continue at the faculty of philosophy or join either the Law Faculty or The Faculty of Medicine. Lectures were delivered either in Latin, the language of educated people at the time, or in Russian. Originally tuition at Moscow University was free for all students.

Now let’s say some words about the present-day university life. The total number of full-time students is more than 40 000. At the beginning of the21st century Moscow University became an international educational centre, with the Faculty for the Russian Language which has been teaching international students since 1959.

In June 1992 the President of the Russian Federation issued a decree, which established the status of Moscow University as a self-governing institution of higher education. In November 1998, after a wide-ranging discussion, the Charter of Moscow University was approved.

Today Moscow State University comprises 29 faculties and over 350 departments, 15 research institutes, 4 museums, the Science Park, the Botanical Gardens, The Library, the University Publishing House and printing shop, a recreational centre and a boarding school for talented children. 9 faculties have been recently established, along with 47 new departments and 22 research laboratories. Research has recently started in 30 new interdisciplinary areas. At the moment the University Computer Centre represents more computing power than any other educational institution in Russia. There have been major changes in the curricula, with over 200 new academic programmes added.

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Дата публикования: 2014-10-25; Прочитано: 506 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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