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No, it is not true

1. Education provides the country with excellent professionals.

2. There are 3 semesters in the academic year.

3. Students may get a Master’s degree after 6 years of study.

4. The university offers training only on a full-time basis.

5. Students begin to get advanced knowledge from the first year of study.

6. Students may get physical training in the sport centres.

7. Students do not have vacations during the academic year.

2. 10. Заполните пропуски словами из текста, подходящими по смыслу.

1. Higher education provides the country with _____ specialists.

2. The _____ year usually lasts 9 months.

3. At the first and second year of study students get ______ knowledge.

4. After four years of study students get a ______ degree.

5. If students pass their exams well they get state _____.

6. Students live in _____.

Сопоставите вопросы из колонки А с ответами из колонки В.


1. How long is a. They get special

an academic year? knowledge.

2. What subjects do students study b. Universities provide students

during the first year at the University? with living accommodation.

3. What do students get c. The academic year usually lasts

at the third year of study? 9 months.

4. When do students get d. Students learn fundamental

a Bachelor’s degree? sciences.

5. When do students have e. They get it after four years of

vacations? study.

6. What do universities f. They have two weeks in winter

provide students with? and two months in summer.

Дата публикования: 2014-10-25; Прочитано: 490 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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