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EXERCISE 4. Put the verbs in brackets into the Present Perfect

1.Where is Nick? – He just (go) out. 2. Don’t worry about the letter. I already (post) it. 3. I don’t know this man. I never (meet) him. 4. Let’s go to the cinema. “War and Peace” is on. – I already (see) it. 5. I know Kursk perfectly well. I (be) there several times. 6. Where is the key? – I (put) it on the table. 7. Do you know where he lives? – No, he recently (move) to a new flat. I (not be) there yet.

EXERCISE 5. Make the sentences interrogative, negative and
interrogative- negative

1.You have read the book. 2. She has met her colleagues today. 3. They have gone to the tennis court. 4. You have returned the book to him. 5. The friends have accepted the invitation. 6. They have been to Britain twice. 7. He has finished eating. 8. They have lived here for twenty years. 9. Lucy has taken a cold shower.

EXERCISE 6. Complete the following sentences with the given
alternatives using since or for

1. I haven’t seen you ….
a) May; b) three years.
2. We have been here ….
a) an hour and a half; b) January.
3. She hasn’t spoken to me ….
a) more than two weeks; b) last week.
4. They have lived in this street ….
a) 1998; b) a long time.
5. I haven’t bought new magazines ….
a) a month; b) last September.
6. Nobody has written to me ….
a) many weeks; b) my birthday.
7. I’ve asked you to come and see us ….
a) over a month; b) the beginning of the year.
8. The boy hasn’t ridden a bicycle ….
a) ages; b) his childhood.

EXERCISE 7. Insert already, ever, just, yet into the appropriate

1.Have you … been to South Africa? 2. Shall I pay the waiter? – No, I’ve … paid the bill. 3. Have you … spoken to a famous person? 4. Ann, lay the table. I’ve … cooked dinner. 5. They don’t know what the problem is. They have … arrived. 6. Is it a good film? – Yes, it’s the best I have … seen. 7. The post hasn’t come …. 8. She has … explained the situation to me. 9. He hasn’t invited me to the party …. 10. Nobody has found the city of Atlantis ….

Дата публикования: 2014-10-25; Прочитано: 741 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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