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Ex.3. Choose the correct word in each sentence

1. Was there a voicemail message? – Yes, (it/he) was Jim.

2. Peter is two years older than (I/me) but he is doing the same first year university course as (I/me) am doing.

3. Can you see Jill here? I need to talk to (she/her). – Yes, that’s (she/her) in black over there.

4. Pooh is a small cute bear. (It/He) enjoys eating, singing and visiting his friends.

5. Betty lives in the same street as (I/me).

6. Who is that tall blond woman over there? – (She/It) is our new sales manager, Julia Benton.

7. It’s (I/me). Can you open the door? I haven’t got my key.

8. I’m feeling thirsty. – (I/Me) too.

9. Who left all this mess? – It was (he/him), not (I/me).

10. I saw their new puppy. (It/He) is so funny.

Ex.4. Translate the following sentences into Ukrainian. Pay attention to the “empty” subject it.

1. It’s very cold today. It’s been snowing all night.

2. It’s a policeman at the door. It seems that our neighbours complained about the noise we made yesterday when we were having a party.

3. It’s a real pleasure to meet you at last.

4. It was he who helped me when I got into trouble.

5. It’s a pity that he’s leaving so soon.

6. Let’s take a taxi. It’s much too far to walk in such nasty weather.

7. It’s important to practice every day if you want to speak good English.

8. Nothing important happened here while I was ill, did it?

9. It was yesterday that you were supposed to be here.

10. What did you say? – Oh, it doesn’t matter.

11. It’s hard to say what caused the accident.

Дата публикования: 2014-10-25; Прочитано: 843 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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