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Ex.18. Think of suitable verbs to complete the sentences. Look at the example provided

1. There used to be a very good public library here. Now there isn’t any. We

have to go either to the University library or to the National Library in the city centre.

  1. Customers didn’t use to ______ shopping from home.
  2. I used to ______ in that house over there.
  3. The Moody Blues used to ______ very popular when I was young.
  4. We used to _______ a piano, but we sold it.
  5. I used to _______ to the cinema a lot, but I never get the time now.
  6. I used to ______ that he was really intelligent but I've changed my mind.
  7. He used to ______ a lot of money but he lost it all investing in Web sites.
  8. In the 1950's English people used to ______ to the radio much more than they do now.
  9. My sister didn’t use to ______ out much, but now she’s never at home!
  10. Did she use to _______ in Australia when she was a child?
  11. What time did you use to ______ to bed when you were a student?
  12. Did you use to _______ long hair?
  13. Did you use to _______ much money on clothes, when you were young?

Ex.19.Say what you used to do but now you don’t. Use but now…, but not any more, but not any longer to make a contrast between the past and the present.Two sentences are given to you as an example.


I used to like eating hamburgers, but I can’t stand them now.

I used to dislike Colin but I often see him now, and we are good friends.

You may use the following prompts: watch the BBC news, be very punctual, study at school, go skating every winter, have a dog, play the piano, drink coffee, spend a lot of money on clothes.

Ex.20. Complete these sentences with used to or would.

Notice that would is not used with state verbs (be, have, dislike, etc.)

I ______ live in a small house in the country when I was a little girl. I ______ get up every day at 7.30 because I lived not far from school. My grandmother ______ get our breakfast ready because my parents ______ start their work very early. Then my father ______ drive me to school. The lessons ______ start at 9.00. We stayed at school till 4 p.m. because I ______ participate in a lot of after-school activities. In the afternoon I ______ walk home alone because father didn’t pick me up. He ______ work late in the office. My parents ______ work a lot but now they are pensioners and spend a lot of time with their grandchildren.

Ex.21. Translate into English using used to or would to express repeated actions or states in the past.

1. Я раніше користувалась комп’ютерним центром. Зараз я маю свій ноутбук.

2. Ви поїдете на роботу на машині? – Навіть не знаю. Раніше я їздила на машині, а зараз вона часто ламається.

3. Раніше ми були добрими друзями, але зараз ми бачимось дуже рідко.

4. Вона раніше дуже рідко носила окуляри, бо вважала, що вони їй не пасують.

5. Мої сусіди раніше жили в маленькому містечку.

6. Ми, бувало, зустрічали свято з нашою великою сім’єю. Зараз багато з нас живуть в різних містах.

7. Коли мені було 14 років, ми жили у Львові. Зараз ми живемо в Полтаві.

8. Я прибирав свою квартиру сам, коли жив один. Зараз це робить моя дружина.

Дата публикования: 2014-10-25; Прочитано: 526 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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