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Business communication


How to Say Hello

Dolly: Hello! Hello there, how are you? Oh Hello!
Horace: You know too many people.
Dolly: Total strangers!
Horace: Then why do you greet them?
Dolly: It makes me feel good to have so many friends.
Horace: Oh, say hello for me too then.
Dolly: I already did.

Conversation Practice


1. It is not common to use titles (Mr., Mrs., Dr., etc.) when referring to yourself. However, it is polite to use titles with others in formal situations, unless they give you permission to do otherwise.


I'm Mr. Robert Smith. (Title is not necessary here.)

I'm Robert Smith. (Better.)

I'm Dr. Sampson. (Okay if you want to keep the relationship formal.)

After an introduction:

Nice to meet you, Mr. Smith.

Oh, please call me "Bob."

2. Do not use titles with first names, and do not use last names alone without titles.

Hello, Mr. Bob (Wrong!)

Hi, Bob (Okay.)

Good morning, Smith (Wrong!)

Good morning, Mrs. Smith (Correct.)

Ex.1. Do you know the other people in the class? Introduce yourself to everyone.

Good morning. My name is __________. I am from __________.

Listen to others introducing themselves. Say "Nice to meet you" and repeat their names. Smile (and shake hands if appropriate).

Ex.2. When do we say Good morning? Good afternoon? Good evening?

Дата публикования: 2014-10-25; Прочитано: 504 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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