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Step 1. For full time study you need to get good scores in some tests. For graduate pro­grams GRE (Graduate Record Examinations)/GMAT (Graduate Management Ad­mission Test) are the most needed tests. GRE is usually required for graduate pro­grams. It includes a general test, subject test, and writing assessment. GMAT contains verbal, quantitative, analytical, and essay sections. It is usu­ally required for graduate pro­grams in business and man­agement.

For higher education in schools or undergraduate col­leges admission following tests are required by most of the institutes in the USA:

o TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language). It measures the ability to under­stand, read and write English;

o SAT (Scholastic Assess­ment Test). It is a college ad­mission pre-test. This exam has two parts, viz. SAT I (Reasoning Test) and SAT II (Subject Tests). SAT I is a three hour test, primarily mul­tiple choice. It measures ver­bal and mathematical reason­ing abilities. Subject Tests are one hour, mostly multiple choice tests in specific subject. It measures knowledge of par­ticular subject and the ability to apply that knowledge. Many colleges require or rec­ommend one or more of these tests for admission/placement purposes.

Step 2. Choose the appro­priate course and Col­lege/University of your choice. Communicate/ correspond with the university to submit your application for the admis­sion.

Дата публикования: 2014-10-25; Прочитано: 422 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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