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F. Look at the following chart and characterize the system of higher education in the UK

The campus
Library Books ordered, recalled
Dormitories (Halls of residence) Single rooms
Buildings Decentralized campus
The classroom
Admissions A- level exams
Coursework organization Lectures, reading lists, seminars
Lectures Narrow, specialized topic
Seminars Open-ended, questions raised
Grading and assessment
Feedback Written work: one or two essays
Exams Essays, 3 hours, wide choice of topics
Essays Discursive, speculative, structured
Grades Passing, 35-70%


Adjectives and adverbs Comparative degree Superlative degree
big new bigger newer (the) biggest (the) newest
disyllabic ending in -er, -ow, -y, or -le
clever simple cleverer simpler (the) cleverest (the) simplest
beautiful easily more beautiful more easily/easier (the) most beautiful (the)easiest/most easily
good bad far (for distance) far (for time and distance) little old (for age) old (for seniority) well much/many better worse farther further less older elder better more (the) best (the) worst (the) farthest (the) furthest (the) least (the) oldest (the) eldest (the) best (the) most

Дата публикования: 2014-10-25; Прочитано: 428 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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