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Completethe missing facts about the USA. Use vertical prompts if necessary

Capital City: National Independence: July, 4 1776 (from Great Britain) Motto: National Anthem: Government type: Constitution-based federal republic Administrative divisions: First President: Last Chief of State: Head of Government: the President Political Parties: Internet domain: Largest State: Smallest State: Rhode Island Largest cities: Border Countries and Oceans: Population: Land Area: Highest Point: Mt. McKinley, Alaska, 20,320 ft. (6194 m.) above sea level Lowest Point: Death Valley, California, 282 ft (86 m.) below sea level Largest rivers: National Bird: National Flower:   Alaska In God We Trust Rose George Washington the Mississippi the Missouri the Rio Grande the Columbia .us New York City Los Angeles Chicago Philadelphia etc.

D. Find in the text English phrases corresponding to the Russian equivalents: США граничит с Канадой на севере; США граничит с Мексикой на юге; США поделены на 50 штатов; местонахождение правительства; согласно конституции США; исполнительная власть; законодательная власть; судебная власть; символ американской демократии.

E. Make up questions to the given answers.

1) Alaska and Hawaii.

2) Canada in the north.

3) 50 states and the District Columbia.

4) 3 branches.

5) The Senate and the House of Representatives.

6) In the District Columbia.

Дата публикования: 2014-10-25; Прочитано: 322 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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