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B. Make your own sentences with these words and combinations. Task 5. A. Find synonyms for the following words: 1

Task 5. A. Find synonyms for the following words:

1. Festival 2. To celebrate 3. Assistant 4. Combination 5. To continue 6. Harmony 7. Hymn 8. Marvel 9. Custom 10. Revolt

B. Find antonyms for the following words:

1. Hate 2. Sad 3. Routine 4. Secular 5. In contrast 6. To forget

C. Match the words with the definitions:

1. Carol 2. Tradition 3. To celebrate 4. To commemorate 5. Parade 6. Concord

A. The body of customs, thoughts, practices etc., belonging to a particular country, people family or institution over a long period.

B. Agreement or harmony between people or nations

C. To honour or keep alive the memory of.

D. To rejoice in or have special festivities to mark a happy day, event, etc.

E. An ordered, especially ceremonial, march assembly or procession, as of troops being reviewed

F. A joyful hymn or religious song


Task 6. Look at the words and fill in the table:

word prefix Base suffix

Task 7. A. Find sentences with Passive Voice and translate them into Russian.

B.Choose the right variant and explain your choice:

1. New Year knows/ is known to be on the most favourite holidays in Russia.

2. Until recently this holiday knowed / was known to be the Soviet Army Day.

3. In the evening a coloured salute is fired/ fires as a token of victory over fascism.

Дата публикования: 2014-10-25; Прочитано: 807 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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