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Task 10. Answer the questions. Choose the right variant

1. Why is Birmingham called "the workshop of the world"?

a) Birmingham is the largest industrial centre of Britain today.

b) It was the place where Industrial revolution began.

c) Many people want to locate a business there.

2. What is the geographical position of Birmingham?

a) It lies just in the centre of England.

b) It is located in Scotland.

c) It is in the watershed of the Rivers Severn and Trent.

3. What is the leading branch of the modern economy in the city?

a) Manufacturing is the main industry in Birmingham.

b) The leading branch of the economy is the service sector.

c) Tourism plays a great role in the city economic development.

4. Why is Birmingham considered to have the largest urban nature reserve in Europe?

a) There is Sutton Park covering 2,400 acres of land.

b) There is a vast land of parkland open spaces.

c) The city centre consists of numerous parks and squares.

5. Are there any places connected with famous residents of the city?

a) Beautiful parks of the city were described in the book “The Lord of the Rings”.

b) Moseley bog, Sarehole Mill and Perrott's Folly are connected with many famous bands and musicians.

c) Moseley bog, Sarehole Mill and Perrott's Folly inspired J. R. R. Tolkien to describe these places in his book “The Lord of the Rings”.

Дата публикования: 2014-10-25; Прочитано: 463 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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