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Task 3. A. Pick out English equivalents for the Russian words and phrases

Hello! My name is Tanya Ivanova. I am seventeen. I live in Tambov. I finished school number twenty two. My favourite subjects at school were Biology and Social Sciences. Now I study at the Institute of Psychology of Tambov State University named after G.R. Derzhavin. I am a first-year-student. My future profession is psychologist. I want to understand people better and help them in difficult situations.

I have a large family. There are five people in it: my father, mother, two brothers and me. My father’s name is Andrey Victorovich. He is a physician. He works at a hospital. He is very calm and hard-working. My mother’s name is Ludmila Michailovna. She is a teacher of music at school. She is very communicative and open-hearted.

My elder brother’s name is Aleksey. He is twenty-three. He is a lawyer. He has his own family and lives separately. He is very strong because he goes in for weight-lifting. His wife is Elena, she is my sister-in-law. She is twenty years old and she is a graduate student at Economy department of our University. They have a daughter, a two-year-old girl Irina who is my niece.

My younger brother is a school-boy. His name is Oleg. He is ten. He is a bit naughty sometimes but on the whole he is easy-going and clever. He wishes to be a photographer and travel around the world.

There is one more member of our family. It is a cat Boris. We like him very much.

Our family is very friendly. We have a lot of friends and relatives. I love my family very much.


Task 3. A. Pick out English equivalents for the Russian words and phrases:

1) учиться; 2) студент(ка) первого курса; 3) психолог; 4) врач; 5) общительный; 6) младший; 7) путешествовать.

Дата публикования: 2014-10-25; Прочитано: 1112 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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