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Our University

My name is Renat Alimov. I am a first-year student of Bashkir State Agrarian University. It is one of the oldest in the city. Its history goes back to 1930, when it was founded as Bashkir Agricultural Institute. At that time there were only 2 departments at the Institute. In 1993 Bashkir Agricultural Institute got the status of Bashkir State Agrarian University.

There are 8 departments at the University now. They are the departments of Economics, Agritechnologies and Agribusiness, Information Technologies and Management, Biotechnologies and Veterinary Medicine, Mechanical, Energy, Land Management and Forestry and Food Technologies. I am at the department of Economics. I study such subjects as Mathematics, Economic Theory, Accounting, Audit and a lot of others. After 4 years of studies I will get the Bachelor’s degree and become a financier or a banker.

The University consists of seven buildings. There are a lot of classrooms, laboratories and lecture halls at the University, also a computer centre and many computer classrooms. There is a good library and several reading halls where students can find many books and scientific journals on their specialty. Many students take up sport quite seriously. The University has several gyms, a swimming pool and a stadium.

Most students of our University are from different districts of our Republic. They live in 8 comfortable halls of residence of the University.

The course of studies at our University gives students a good opportunity of becoming well-trained specialists in different fields of agriculture. I think students can study, as well as live an interesting life during the years of education.

Дата публикования: 2014-10-25; Прочитано: 686 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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